Tallinn University of Technology

Encourage the young to discover TalTech!

TalTech students are encouraged to take student shadows at any time throughout the year by using the Booking System of Student Shadowing.

Enter your available times to the booking system here:


NB! When adding times, please be aware that it is more convenient for pupils to visit the university during a school break. The autumn break takes place from 21st-27th October.

University student who takes at least 5 student shadows per academic year receives a 15€ gift card of the TalTech Gift Shop OR Apollo by the Office of Academic Affairs.

Who is a student shadow?

Student shadow is commonly a school student looking to find out more about the university and the study programmes that are being offered. The aim is making an advised decision on where and how to continue their studies. The purpose of the university student is to show a school student what does it mean to study at a university, how does a university student's day look like, what possibilities does TalTech offer and how a university differs from a high school.

Take a school student with you for a day and inspire them by showing your world! The school students who become student shadows stand at a crossroad that will define their future. The passion that university students have for their field of studies is one of the most important values one can share with a school student. The spark in the eyes of a university student is what inspires,  ignites and shows the way for school students.

How to start? What should I take into account when taking a student shadow?

1. Add all the possible times to the booking system of student shadowing.

2. Wait until you receive an email with the contact details of the school student.

3. Contact the school student and find out what does the shadow expect from the experience. Agree on the time and place to meet. Make sure you have enough time to find and get to know each other before classes start.

4. Introduce your study programme, university and learning environment to the student shadow. 

5. Answer all the questions a student shadow has and bring out the topics that you believe are important when it comes to studying at a university. 

What to do when you have a student shadow?

  • ​Invite the student to the university about 30 minutes earlier, so that you can show them the library, cafeterias, clubrooms and other great places on campus. Be sure to arrive in time to the right room where the lecture will take place;
  • The student shadowing day must include a visit to at least one lecture, but you can always take the shadow to several lectures/seminars/laboratories. Hence, the best timeframe for a shadowing day is a minimum of two hours;
  • Choose a day when you have the most exciting classes (the ones that make you sit on the edge of your seat), and be sure to inform the lecturer about the shadow's presence as well;
  • Tell the student about your experience and emphasize that in addition to all the fun you can have in university, it is important to focus on studying as well;
  • When shadowing, you are the business card of the university, so a smile, friendliness and polite self-expression are very important;
  • Think about what would be interesting and different, in the student's perspective, in university compared to high school.
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