Tallinn University of Technology

Secure e-Governance

Date and time

18 August- 29 August 2025, Tallinn, Estonia.

Registration is open - join now! 

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Target group

BA/MA students or professionals. The summer school offers interoperability between different domains (policy, law, IT, security, design thinking and engineering), therefore the participants might benefit from having background of the domains previously mentioned, but it is not mandatory.


This intensive interdisciplinary summer programme is for participants with different backgrounds offering interoperability between different domains such as policy, law, IT, security, business, design thinking and engineering. Estonia is one of the most advanced e-societies in the world- an incredible success story that grew out of a partnership between a forward-thinking government, a pro-active ICT sector and a switched-on, tech-savvy population. Estonia boasts the world’s leading IT infrastructure and e-services. The creation of different e-services as well as linking them to government databases and rising popularity among users has greatly influenced and given an enormous boost to the ICT sector in the country. As the business models and service ecosystems are shifting more into the networked world, both in the private and public sector, there is a strong need to understand the background of e-services from the idealization to realization. Hackathon at the end of the course offers students a very practical experience to test their acquired knowledge.

Aim of the course

The idea of the course is to introduce e-Estonia from the government level and to give an overview of how things are rolling in the ICT sector in Estonia. The main focus will be set to explain the core of the digital transformation in the public sector. Thus, the course broadens the understanding of the value that e-services could provide for different stakeholders (citizens, public entities and privately held companies etc.) and the main steps of the digitalization process will be discussed and the data management including the re-use of the data explored. As identity management is essential feature for digitalization, the different authentication methods will be highlighted and presented based on Estonian approach. In addition, cyber security aspects will be included as an important part of e-governance solutions. The interoperability as highly important concept during the service provision will be discussed based on X-road and others relevant system functions. Finally, the shift to digitalization will be viewed from the perspective of the change management - the most important aspects and phases whilst implementation process takes place. In order to present the gained knowledge students will have an opportunity to create e-service/system/solution description (prototype) for improving a specific problem at government level.

Learning outcomes

The participants will have an understanding of:

  • how the public sector implements different e-governance related systems/solutions and applies service orientation;
  • what are the main building blocks for identity management in the digital world;
  • how security and legal frameworks relate to the e-governance;
  • what should be considered while designing environments for the public services;
  • how to conduct changes and lead change management within the organisation;
  • the main concepts of the interoperability and digital data exchange;
  • creating e-governance supported solutions in the public and private sector.

General Chair: Ingrid Pappel, PhD. Head of e-Governance Technologies and Services Master's Program at Tallinn University of Technology

Lecturers: Katrin Nyman Metcalfe PhD, Silvia Lips PhD, Eric Blake Jackson PhD

Assessment criteria

Successful pitch of your idea according to the set assignment. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive Certificate from TalTech (2 ECTS).

Registration info

Participation fee is 2450 euros. Fee includes:

  • lectures, study visits, study materials;
  • accommodation in a hostel twin room; 
  • breakfast and lunch on work days in the campus canteen; 
  • social activities planned as part of the program;
  • TalTech certificate upon successful graduation;

Registration is open!

Register here