Tallinn University of Technology

Course information

Master's course "Circular economy for Materials Processing (CircPro for Masters)" is to give an overview about raw materials processing, i.e from exploration, mining, processing, manufacturing until material recycling and re-use thru the lens of resource efficiency and circular economy. The course is fully digital (Moodle), any master level student can participate.

The course aim is to build knowledge and capacity in state-of-the-art circular economy and resource efficiency practices – in order to ensure that future graduate engineers have the skills to develop more sustainable processes in raw materials value chains.

Students will learn about the whole raw materials value chain, i.e from exploration, mining, processing, manufacturing until material recycling and re-use. They are looking for metals and minerals from a resource efficiency and circular economy perspective.

The course contains virtual lectures (PowerPoint presentations, videos, quizzes) via the „flipped classroom teaching method“, i.e students learn individually basics of the raw materials value chain. After registering, the student will have access to the course materials at the beginning of the course and they use this knowledge to conduct written test and their project report. 

Based on course materials, students conduct their project report assignment. There will be a written test online for every theme during a course, based on given questions in course materials. Overall students have to conduct 6 written tests and project report assignment. The course is passed then in tests over 51% of answers are correct and the project report assignment is submitted and orally presented due time. After that participant gets the certificate and 6 ECTS credit points.


This course preparation has been financed by EIT Raw Materials and created by the following Universities and Institute:

  • Aalto University
  • Lappeenranta University of Technology – LUT
  • KTH royal institute of technology
  • Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the PAS
  • Tallinn University of Technology - TalTech
  • Technical University of Košice – Tuke
  • University of Trento
Supported by


To register for the course, please fill in the Registration.

After registration course Coordinator Karin Robam will contact you.

No tuition fee is requested.
Any entrepreneurial-minded master-level student can participate from any university in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, South America, North America.
Completing the course graduation requirements will result in a certificate proving 6 ECTS credit points.

Autumn semester 2025 (01.09.2025...20.12.2025)
- registration for TalTech students is open until September 8, 2025 (deadline for submission of the autumn semester’s individual study plan).
- registration for all others is open until September 14, 2025.

Spring semester 2026 (02.02.2026...15.06.2026)
- registration for TalTech students is open until February 9, 2026 (deadline for submission of the autumn semester’s individual study plan).
- registration for all others is open until February 15, 2026.

Learning outcomes

The current e-course "Masters course in the circular economy for Materials Processing" supports the following learning outcomes:

  • Basic concepts of a circular economy, knowledge of materials flow (from mining, processing, manufacturing until end-of-life recycling and re-usage), issues, and drivers for changes
  • To recognize the impacts (environmental, economic, and social) of the current practice of materials processing from a sustainability aspect
  • To give an idea of how to create new business opportunities to re-enter materials into the circular economy
  • Apply processing technologies to accelerate the implementation in business creation

Course information at Study Information Centre

EuroTeQ course catalogue

EuroTeQ partners offer selected virtual courses and challenges to all their students. See the full list course catalogue and register for courses provided by a partner university at your home institution. These offers come from the EuroTeQ partner universities

  • CTU (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic)
  • DTU (Technical University of Denmark)
  • L’X (École Polytechnique, France)
  • TalTech (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)
  • Technion (Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
  • TU/e (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)
  • TUM (Technical University of Munich, Germany)

and are open to all of their students.

Masters course in Circular Economy for Materials Processing at EuroTeQ course catalogue: PDF