Tallinn University of Technology

Alumni of the Year

Tallinn University of Technology annually recognises its alumni with the title of Alumnus of the Year. The tradition of electing Alumni of the Year began in 1996, when the management board of the Alumni Association of the Tallinn University of Technology made the decision to approve the relevant statute. The honorary title is awarded to an alumnus whose activities have significantly promoted Estonian society in the fields of education, science, engineering, economy, or culture, or who has outstanding achievements in relation to TalTech.

List of Tallinn University of Technology Alumnus of the Year:

  • Jüri Engelbrecht, 2024, Estonian mechanics scientist. Since 1963, he has taught at the Tallinn University of Technology. From 1994 to 2004, he was president of the Estonian Academy of Sciences.
  • Kristel Kruustük, 2023, founder of Testlio, an IT company that tests mobile applications
  • Leho Kuusk, 2022, member of the ABB board, engineer in the field of electric drives and power electronics
  • Erika Kirpu, 2021, alumnus since 2014, Tokyo 2020 Olympic gold medalist
  • Irina Embrich, 2021, alumna from 2004, Tokyo 2020 Olympic gold medalist
  • Mart Min, 2020, alumnus since 1969, electronics engineer
  • Sirje Potisepp, 2019, TalTech Alumna since 1985, food engineer
  • Henrik Hololei, 2019, TalTech Alumna since 1993, economist
  • Anti Puusepp, 2017, TalTech Alumna since 1993, mechanical engineer
  • Marek Helm, 2016, TalTech Alumna since 2008, public administration management, MA
  • Ants Sild, 2015, TalTech Alumna since 1981, cum laude, electrical systems engineer
  • Priit Rohumaa, 2014, TalTech Alumna since 1998, energy engineer
  • Hardi Meybaum, 2013, TalTech Alumna since 2007, production engineer, MA
  • Hannes Tamjärv, 2012, TalTech Alumna since 1983, economist
  • Andres Allikmäe, 2011, TalTech Alumna since 1980, electronics engineer
  • Veiko Sepp, 2010, TalTech Alumna since 1991, electronics engineer
  • Sandor Liive, 2009, TalTech Alumna since 1997, economist
  • Erkki Raasuke, 2008, TalTech Alumna since 1994, economist
  • Valdo Kalm, 2007, TalTech Alumna since 1992, electrical engineer
  • Tarmo Noop, 2006, TalTech Alumna since 1991, economist
  • Tiina Mõis, 2005, TalTech Alumna since 1980, cum laude, economical engineer
  • Väino Kaldoja, 2004, TalTech Alumna since 1979, cum laude, mechanical engineer
  • Toomas Annus, 2003, TalTech Alumna since 1984, civil engineer
  • Gunnar Okk, 2002, TalTech Alumna since 1983, electrical engineer
  • Indrek Neivelt, 2001, TalTech Alumna since 1993, economical engineer
  • Jüri Mõis, 2000, TalTech Alumna since 1980, economist
  • Toomas Luman, 1999, TalTech Alumna since 1982, civil engineer
  • Toomas Sõmera, 1998, TalTech Alumna since 1975, radio engineer
  • Jaak Leimann, 1997, TalTech Alumna since 1964, economical engineer
  • Tiit Vähi, 1996, TalTech Alumna since 1970, cum laude, mechanical engineer

"Mente et Manu" laureates

Tallinn University of Technology's medal of merit "Mente et manu" is a decoration given out to an employee or a person who has had a significant and outstanding contribution towards the development of the university or higher education in general.

List of Tallinn University of Technology "Mente et Manu" laureates:

  • Paula Petriina Ahonen-Rumm (06.09.2023)
  • Vahur Ausmees (06.09.2023)
  • Tõnis Kanger (06.09.2023)
  • Robert Kitt (06.09.2023)
  • Maarja Kruusmaa (06.09.2023)
  • Marina Kuznetsova (06.09.2023)
  • Irene Lill (06.09.2023)
  • Enn Listra (06.09.2023)
  • Gunnar Piho (06.09.2023)
  • Feliks Aarmann (16.09.2022)
  • Anatoli Alop (16.09.2022)
  • Ene Kolbre (16.09.2022)
  • Andres Siirde (16.09.2022)
  • Toomas Tamm (16.09.2022)
  • Kalle Tammemäe (16.09.2022)
  • Mari Ivask (17.09.2021)
  • Indrek Kaldo (17.09.2021)
  • Tarmo Kõuts (17.09.2021)
  • Kalju Meigas (17.09.2021)
  • Alvar Soesoo (17.09.2021)
  • Jaan Penjam (17.09.2020)
  • Aime Piht (17.09.2020)
  • Hella Riisalu (17.09.2020)
  • Urve Venesaar (17.09.2020)
  • Raul Voit (17.09.2020)
  • Renno Veinthal (17.09.2020)
  • Rene Arikas (17.09.2019)
  • Jüri Elken (17.09.2019)
  • Ignar Fjuk (17.09.2019)
  • Arvi Hamburg (17.09.2019)
  • Seth Lackman (17.09.2019)
  • Jüri Vain (17.09.2019)
  • Ilmar Veelang (12.09.2018)
  • Jaak Tepandi (12.09.2018)     
  • Mart Tamre (12.09.2018)
  • Ija Stõun (12.09.2018)
  • Karsten Stæhr (12.09.2018)
  • Lembi-Merike Raado (12.09.2018)    
  • Arvo Oorn (12.09.2018)         
  • Ergo Metsla (12.09.2018)   
  • Margus Kruus (14.09.2018)
  • Malle Krunks (12.09.2018)
  • Mihkel Koel (12.09.2018)
  • Rainer Kattel (12.09.2018)
  • Dimitri Kaljo (12.09.2018)
  • Rein Albri (12.09.2018)
  • Taavi Veskimägi (15.09.2017)
  • Endel Palla (15.09.2017)
  • Mare Roosileht (15.09.2017)
  • Toomas Rang (15.09.2017)
  • Leo Mõtus (15.09.2017)
  • Kai Aviksoo (15.09.2017)
  • Avo Ots (13.09.2016)
  • Raivo Vilu (13.09.2016)
  • Enn Loigu (13.09.2016)
  • Mart Min (13.09.2016)
  • Toivo Roosimaa (13.09.2016)
  • Ardo Kamratov (28.08.2015)
  • Roode Liias (01.07.2015)
  • Mihkel Kaljurand (01.07.2015)
  • Rein Kuusik (04.06.2015)
  • Tea Varrak (27.01.2015)
  • Anne Veski (25.08.2014)
  • Väino Kaldoja (25.08.2014)
  • Lembit Kaljuvee (25.08.2014)
  • Jaan Järvik (08.08.2014)
  • Reet Brauer (03.07.2014)
  • Kristjan Maruste (20.06.2014)
  • Evald Kalda (27.08.2013)
  • Ennu Rüstern (27.08.2013)
  • Karel Kundrats (22.08.2013)
  • Bo Henriksson (22.08.2013)
  • Jüri Veerits (12.02.2013)
  • Madli Krispin (12.02.2013)
  • Tiina Mõis (06.09.2012)
  • Valdo Kalm (06.09.2012)
  • Kaido Hääl (06.09.2012)
  • Toivo Pappel (15.02.2012)
  • Rein Vaikmäe (05.01.2012)
  • Priit Kulu (19.09.2011)
  • Peep Sürje (09.09.2011)
  • Tiit Metusala (02.06.2011)
  • Enno Reinsalu (25.04.2011)
  • Rein Laaneots (30.03.2011)
  • Harri Tallermo (30.03.2011)
  • Ivars Knéts (23.02.2011)
  • Viktor Andrejev (10.09.2010)
  • Marius Klytta (16.08.2010)
  • Maido Ajaots (07.06.2010)
  • Ilmar Kleis (07.06.2010)
  • Leo Valdma (12.05.2010)
  • Ene Peterson (12.05.2010)
  • Jüri Tanner (12.05.2010)
  • Peep Christjanson (11.01.2010)
  • Tiit Kaps (11.01.2010)
  • Heino Ross (06.10.2009)
  • Leo Võhandu (06.10.2009)
  • Andres Allikmäe (14.09.2009)
  • Margus Lopp (11.09.2009)
  • Heino Türkson (30.01.2009)
  • Ülo Luht (20.01.2009)
  • Olavi Pihlamägi (20.01.2009)
  • Eiki Nestor (05.09.2008)
  • Liina Tõnisson (05.09.2008)
  • Ülo Rudi (05.09.2008)
  • Mihkel Veiderma (05.09.2008)
  • Udo Meriste (26.08.2008)
  • Konrad Kikas (21.01.2008)
  • Eero Kajosaari (04.01.2008)
  • Eduard Tearo (07.09.2007)
  • Sulev Mäeltsemees (05.09.2007)
  • Gunnar Okk (05.09.2007)
  • Andres Öpik (05.09.2007)
  • Toomas Laur (05.09.2007)
  • Viivi-Maret Russ (12.06.2007)
  • Lauri Niinistö (19.04.2007)
  • Vello Kukk (04.09.2006)
  • Ants Üleoja, dirigent (04.09.2006)
  • Vahur Mägi (04.09.2006)
  • Gabriel Hazak (04.09.2006)
  • Endel Risthein (25.08.2006)
  • Ants Virkus (04.05.2006)
  • Aino Kann (17.04.2006)
  • Mart Mägi, audoktor (31.03.2006)
  • Aare Kitsing (12.09.2005)
  • Anto Raukas (12.09.2005)
  • Jakob Kübarsepp (12.09.2005)
  • Andres Keevallik (12.09.2005)
  • Peep Jonas (15.03.2005)
  • Kaie Kerem (18.02.2005)
  • Mati Valdma (14.09.2004)
  • Toomas Sõmera (13.09.2004)
  • Rein Küttner (13.09.2004)
  • Hiie Hinrikus (13.09.2004)
  • Hillar Aben (13.09.2004)
  • Marko Kiisa (14.06.2004)
  • Reigo Kimmel (14.06.2004)
  • Karl Õiger (04.09.2003)
  • Arvo Ots (04.09.2003)
  • Külliki Tafel (16.06.2003)
  • Jaques Sheuten (03.06.2003)
  • Hans-Otto Peters (27.05.2003)
  • Raoul Üksvärav (02.04.2003)
  • Jüri Rent (13.09.2002)
  • Jüri Engelbrecht (13.09.2002)
  • Valdek Kulbach (13.09.2002)
  • Tiit Vähi (13.09.2002)
  • Toomas Luman (17.09.2001)
  • Juhan Laugis (17.09.2001)
  • Rein Jürgenson (17.09.2001)
  • Raimond-Johannes Ubar (17.09.2001)
  • Jaak Leimann (17.09.2001)

Honorary members

On 17.03.2015 with act no. 49 the University Board of Tallinn University of Technology elected Margus Leivo as an honorary member of the university, or amicus universitatis.

Margus Leivo was born on the 28th of May 1954 in Räpina. He graduated Räpina High School in 1972 and Tallinn University of Technology (TPI) in 1982 in the field of industrial and civil engineering. Margus Leivo was married and a father to three children.

Margus Leivo, a Director for Facilities, was a versatile person, a capable leader, and a highly valued colleague. He served Estonia on many different important positions since the inception of Estonia's reindependence: 

  • 2005–2007 member of the Parliament;
  • 2003–2005 minister of domestic affairs;
  • 1999–2002 Chancellor of Ministry of Transportation and Communications;
  • 1993–1999 Chancellor of Ministry of Economic Affairs;
  • 1990–1993 Head of Põlva County;
  • 1987–1990 Head of Põlva KEK.

Margus Leivo started his position of Director for Facilities in Tallinn University of Technology in 2007. He was committed and passionate about his work. His innovative and complete vision of the university campus became a reality.

In December of 2013, the campus of Tallinn Univerisity of Technology was announced in Oxford as the winner of a reputable international competition "Science and Education" in the category of university campuses.  The competition is organized by the Club of the Rectors of Europe which gathers the university heads from 30 different countries. The competition jury brought to the forefront the TalTech (TTÜ) campus' modernity, innovativeness, and strong connections with high technology firms. Furthermore, the attention from TalTech towards young families and their chances to study in the university as well as children's daycare was also brought up by the jury.

The campus under the pines of Mustamäe has received acknowledgement and won many awards also in Estonia. Modern centres of competence by the colleges in Virumaa and Kuressaare, TalTech Geology Department's Särghaua study centre, acquisition and development of Tõnismäe water tower are the keywords of success elsewhere.

The sight of Margus Leivo reached further and grabbed bigger targets than his position demanded from him. He was a great visionary, strategist, and a supportive colleague. His actions helped to strengthen the reputation of the university.

Margus Leivo was a member of the Board of Governors from 1997-2007 and also actively took part of TalTech Alumni movements.

Margus Leivo has also gained acknowledgement as a hobby photographer, his hunting trophies decorate various social buildings, Glehn's Castle being one of them.

Activity in social and scientific communities:

  • President of Scottish Club
  • Member of Estonian Union of Engineers
  • Member of Estonian Hunters' Society

National Awards:

  • Order of National Coat of Arms, class IV
  • Order of National Coat of Arms, class II
  • Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic
  • Grand Cross of the Order of Prince Henry (Portugal)
  • Order of Border Guard, class II

On 16.12.2014 with act no. 137 the University Board of Tallinn University of Technology elected Ardo Kamratov as an honorary member of the university, or amicus universitatis.

Ardo Kamratov was born on the 5th of February, 1954. He graduated from Tallinn 22nd High School in 1972 and Tallinn University of Technology (TPI) in 1977 in the field of service economics and organizing, and educated himself further in his field of study in Estonia and abroad. Kamratov defended his economics PhD in 1984.

Former financial director Ardo Kamratov is a versatile person, a capable leader, a highly valued colleague and lecturer. He is an acknowledged scientist and specialist in the field of economics. Furthermore, he is an expert and a promoter in the field of education. His experience was highly valued during the launching of ownership reform and privatization in Estonia, leading development and innovation projects also in entrepreneurship.

During the times of Estonia's reindependence, he worked in the private sector on many different high-profile jobs: State Asset Head Director, deputy secretary-general in the Ministry of Finance, State Parliament's financial-commission adviser. In the second half of the 1990s, he was tied up with entrepreneurship- working as a Head of Board and Council of AS Klement.

Ardo Kamratov has been an active member of TalTech since 1975, starting as a student and later being a lecturer and a department director (1986-1990). Ardo Kamratov has published over a hundred scientific works and articles and is also lecturing in the fields of education, science, economics, and management.

Ardo Kamratov has taken part in TalTech’s management as a member of the University Council and a member of the Commission of Economics since the year 2000. Furthermore, he was the director of the Department of Research and Development, Vice-Rector for Facilities, financial director, and a member of the board of the TalTech Sports Club. Since January 2015, Kamratov has been a member of the TalTech University Board.

In 1979, Kamratov received a State Award for Young Researchers and the A. Veimer Prize for his work in the field of economics.

Ardo Kamratov is highly interested in fine arts and sports.

On 20.05.2014 with act no. 68 the University Board of Tallinn University of Technology elected Olavi Pihlamägi as an honorary member of the university, or amicus universitatis.

Olavi Pihlamägi, a great figure in Estonian cultural life, was born on the 14th of February 1949 in Tartu. He graduated from Tallinn High School of Distance Learning in 1967. Pihlamägi graduated from E.Vilde Tallinn Institute of Education in 1971 (field of cultural work).

Pihlamägi has been related with TalTech since 1973 when he started working as a TPI (predecessor to Tallinn University of Technology) a/ü Club’s artistic director. With his initiative the TPI Student Club (predecessor to TalTech Cultural Centre) was founded in 1975. Olavi Pihlamägi has been a part of introducing and embedding many academical traditions in TalTech. In the year 2000 he started creating and developing the Department of Public Relations as the first director of the Department. Later he also worked as a cultural advisor for the Rectorate.

Olavi Pihlamägi has directed many different academical and cultural events in TalTech and also taken part of organizing various events in the field of science. The consistency of his work is reflected in the university Cultural Centre- the last of it’s kind in Tallinn. The arts clubs of Tallinn University of Technology such as the Academic Male Choir, folk dance group “Kuljus” and many others are among the best in Estonian arts clubs. Their high level performances have brought positive reputation to the university, city of Tallinn and the country of Estonia. Pihlamägi is also an organizer of Student Singing Festival “Gaudeamus” as well as other national cultural events.

Next to his main work in the university, Pihlamägi has also worked as a radio and television journalist, mainly with Vikerraadio and ETV. Olavi Pihlamägi’s concert film “Tudengiloss”, broadcasted on ETV in 1978, showed TalTech’s arts clubs and tells the story of Glehn’s castle renovation. The film was also popular among the other Soviet broadcasters. Together with movie director Peeter Brambat, Pihlamägi directed a music documentary “Kosmos 68” in 2011. The documentary talks about about Estonian land and it’s people in the 1960’s- the ones that brought a bit of freedom back to the society- an action that led to the eventual dissolution of the Soviet Union in the early 1990’s.

Olavi Pihlamägi organized several TV and radio shows related with the TalTech 100 Anniversary. He was the first commentator of Estonian Eurovision campaign- 1993 in Ljublana as Estonia took part from the “new competitors for Eurovision” competition. His expertise in the Eurovision field led up to him being a co-writer of the book “Eurovisioon läbi aastate” (Eurovision throughout the years). The book is the only Eurovision related book which is in Estonian (and written by Estonians).

Pihlamägi was awarded with honorary cultural award for the services to Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1989. The city of Tallinn awarded Pihlamägi with a decoration for long-time committed work and achievements in Estonian cultural life. Tallinn University of Technology also awarded Pihlamägi with the Mente et Manu medal in 2009.

On 17.04.2012 with act no. 55 the University Board of Tallinn University of Technology elected Jüri Tanner as an honorary member of the university, or amicus universitatis.

Jüri Tanner was born on the 18th of May 1942 in the village of Ridalepa, located in Pärnu county, parish of Sauga. He graduated from L.Koidula Pärnu 2nd High School in 1960. TPI (Tallinn Polytechnical Insitute, precursor to Tallinn University of Technology) in 1965 in the field of chemical technology. He followed up with his postgraduate studies from 1969-1973 in TPI and University of Warshaw. Tanner started doctorate studies in the field of chemical technology of fuel and gas in 1974 and became a senior researcher in 1984.

Jüri Tanner has worked in Tallinn University of Technology since 1965:

  • Senior laboratory assistant 1965
  • Director of laboratory 1966–1969
  • Director of the sector scientific research 1972–1987
  • Deputy vice-rector for research 1987–1991
  • Vice-rector 1991–1993
  • Chancellor 1993–2000
  • vice-rector 2000–2001
  • project manager 2002−2010

Main field of science- Chemistry and technology of polymers and wood. Fields of research: chemistry of shale oil, chemical modification of wood and structure, synthesis and technology of polycondensation resin. In addition to forementioned fields of research, Tanner has also published articles and works about the development and scientific potential of scientific organization.

Has given speeches and presentations in conferences and seminars about technical education and science in Paris, Tokio and Rio de Janerio etc.

Total number of published works: 86 of which 58 were scientific or science popularizing publications. Has received 28 patents and sold a licence to Japan for one of his inventions.