Tallinn University of Technology

R&D project VasCalDi

Development of New Optical Methods to Estimate Vascular Calcification and Monitor Inhibitors Removal During Dialysis in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease (VasCalDi). PSG819 (01.01.2023–31.12.2027)


Around 13% of the adult population suffers some form of kidney damage, and the death rate of complications related to chronic kidney disease (CKD) is very high. The primary cause of death in CKD patients is cardiovascular disease. Vascular calcification (VC), one of the cardiovascular complications, is prevailing in CKD. One of the causes of VC in CKD is the disbalance between VC inhibitors and inducers due to failed kidney function. During the dialysis therapy for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients, inducers and also inhibitors are removed from the patients’ blood. This project (VasCalDi) aims to develop unique optical methods to estimate VC and monitor VC inhibitors removal during dialysis in patients with ESRD. The project's goal is to make the work of hospitals and physicians more efficient and improve the life quality and survival of ESRD patients by monitoring disturbances in VC inhibitor balance and vasculature allowing timely interventions.


Principal investigator: Assistant Professor JANA HOLMAR
Senior research staffKristjan PiltKristina KöötsAnnika AdobergLiisi Leis
Other research staffDeniss Karai

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