Tallinn University of Technology

The Learning Design Programme aims to improve the quality of e-courses. Our goal is to bring 200 Moodle e-supports to the advanced level (level 2 according to TalTech's e-learning standard) by 2025.

The Learning Design Program offers a more personal approach to the courses. We work one-on-one with the lecturer, taking into account the wishes and ideas that have accumulated over the years. Also, more than before we focus on the visual design of the courses. ​​​​​​

In the program, we also work on meeting the requirements of the national quality label competition for high-quality e-courses by the Estonian Quality Agency for Education (HAKA). We encourage everyone completing the Learning Design programme to apply for the e-course quality label. Up to now, out of 111 courses that have completed the program, 32 have applied for and received the e-course quality label.


When: Twice a year
Applying deadlines: In January and in September
Duration: 1 semester
Upon successful completion: 2 ECTS credits, a 500€ reward, Level 2 issued to your Moodle course

What to expect?

We are working towards making your Moodle course not just a place to store course handouts, but a systematic and comprehensive collection of materials, learning activities, and learning instructions that support the partial or full implementation of the learning process online.

You will get to know the various possibilities and tools of Moodle. Each course is unique! We try to find technical solutions based on the specifics of your course and the features of the tasks.​​​​​​​

You will learn different ways to change the visuals of a Moodle course. If you wish, you can test all of this yourself and apply it to your Moodle course.

All programme participants can familiarize themselves with TalTech Studio and record video material for their course. You will also get an overview of what kind of video and multimedia content can be created here.

In the Learning Design Programme, we work with the requirements of the quality label competition for high-quality e-courses organized by the Estonian Quality Agency for Education (HAKA). All those who have completed the Learning Design Programme are encouraged to apply for the label. Participation in the competition is voluntary.

The HAKA e-course quality label is issued to increase the quality of e-courses in higher education, vocational training, and general education, and to share good experiences. The quality label indicates an outstanding level of the e-course and excellent results in applying digital technology in the learning process. The e-course quality label confirms to the learner that the course and the level of its execution meet the quality requirements.

What do I need to do in the programme?

Completing the Learning Design programme requires the participant to have time and the will to actively work with the course. A minimum of 2 hours per week should be taken into account, of which:

  • 1-hour weekly meeting with the instructional designer
  • ​​​​​​1 hour for implementing the agreed activities in the course

We would like to emphasize that the main work on the course will be done by the lecturers. The instructional designer is there to help you find bottlenecks in your course, offer solutions, and introduce opportunities.

Conditions for completing the program​​​​​​​me

  1. The participant actively participates in the course development during the semester (at least 8 meetings with the instructional designer).
  2. The participant fulfils the goals agreed upon at the beginning of the programme.
  3. The participant has completed the Learning Design Programme e-course in Moodle.
  4. The participant introduces the work done during the semester to other programme participants and interested parties at the final seminar of the Learning Design Programme (live presentation or pre-recorded video).
  5. At the end of the programme, the participant fills out a feedback questionnaire for the Learning Design programme.