Tallinn University of Technology


In spring semester 2019/2020 everyone at TalTech is invited to participate in the test phase of Wooclap audience engagement tool. In this time periood members of TalTech staff can use the Wooclap unlimited account. The test period at TalTech ends on the 30th of June 2020.

Wooclap aims to:
1.    Increase your students’ attention rate during lectures.
2.    Measure the level of understanding of your students during lectures.
And this by means of the use of digital devices such as smartphones, tablets or computers. Wooclap activity is also in Moodle and the results can be displayed in Moodle gradebook.


To join the unlimited test phase register yourself with your university’s email through this link*:
NB! If you want to use Wooclap in Moodle, please make sure you use the same email alias that you use for your Moodle account (you can find it in Moodle by clicking: My Name > Profile > Edit profile > Email).


The user guide can walk you through the main features and Wooclap also has a FAQ on their website explaining in-depth how to use the platform. You can also always ask advice from Educational Technology Centre. More information: Kadri Kiho (kadri.kiho@taltech.ee, 620 3608).

* Might you already have registered to Wooclap’s freemium pack with your @taltech.ee/@ttu.ee email and you would still like to take part in the unlimited test phase, this registration link will not work for you. The way to proceed is to send an email to  nancy@wooclap.com wherein you state you are part of Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) and you will be added manually to the test account.