Tallinna Tehnikaülikool


A student who has successfully completed the micro-degree program:
- can analyze aspects related to the sustainability and circular economy of the materials and production technologies used for the production of furniture, wooden products and wooden factory buildings.
- can analyze the physical-mechanical properties of wood and wood-based materials based on product design, technical requirements and functionality, and evaluates their impact on the environment and the sustainability of their production and consumption.
- can design a product in a CAD program, choose materials and find appropriate technologies for processing and formalize technical documentation
- can determine the quality requirements for both purchased materials and the finished product.
- Knows the fundamentals of CAD/CAM technologies and knows how to design and model various products and prepare the necessary documentation/specifications for product manufacturing.


Employees of companies engaged in the production of wood, furniture, and wooden houses who have acquired education in another profession and wish to acquire basic knowledge or employees with professional education who need further training.


Kõrgharidus/ rakenduskõrgharidus (sobivalt majandus-, sotsiaalteaduste, infotehnoloogia, tehnika- ja tootmise valdkonnas)
Motivatsioonikiri (sh töökogemuse kirjeldus).


Recycling and Energy Recovery of Wood, Textile and Plastic Wastes/Puidu-, tekstiili- ja plastijäätmete ringlussevõtt ja energiakasutus EKW0470/6EAP(e-õppena teamsis)
Technology of Furniture Industry/ Mööblitööstuse tehnoloogia EKW0570/6EAP(kombineeritud e-õppega)
Wood House Production in Factory/ Puidust tehasemajade tootmine EKW0430/6EAP (kombineeritud e-õppega)
Technology in Furniture, Plastics and Garment Industry /CAD/CAM tehnoloogia mööbli-, plasti-, ja rõivatööstuses EKX0560/6EAP( kombineeritud e-õppega)


A student who has successfully completed the micro-degree program:
- can analyze aspects related to the sustainability and circular economy of the materials and production technologies used for the production of furniture, wooden products and wooden factory buildings.
- can analyze the physical-mechanical properties of wood and wood-based materials based on product design, technical requirements and functionality, and evaluates their impact on the environment and the sustainability of their production and consumption.
- can design a product in a CAD program, choose materials and find appropriate technologies for processing and formalize technical documentation
- can determine the quality requirements for both purchased materials and the finished product.
- Knows the fundamentals of CAD/CAM technologies and knows how to design and model various products and prepare the necessary documentation/specifications for product manufacturing.




auditoorne õppetöö: 256 akadeemilist õppetundi
iseseisev/muu õppetöö: 368 akadeemilist õppetundi




TalTech tunnistus


Jaan Kers EKW0470, EKW0430-Materjali-ja keskkonnatehnoloogia instituut; Karmo Kiiman EKW0570, EKX0560-Materjali- ja keskkonnatehnoloogia instituut; Laura Kaljula EKW0430


Avatud õppe keskus, 6203600, avatudope@taltech.ee


1176 €/osaleja

Märkused hinna kohta:

Tasu maksmine toimub mikrokraadikava kogumaksumuse alusel semestripõhiselt ning arvutatakse vastavalt valitud õppeaine ainepunktide mahule ja ülikoolis kehtestatud tasumääradele

Registreerumise tähtaeg:

17.01.2022 23:59


Mikrokraadikavale võetakse vastu 10 osalejat. Kandideerimistingimused: kõrgharidus/ rakenduskõrgharidus (sobivalt majandus-, sotsiaalteaduste, infotehnoloogia, tehnika- ja tootmise valdkonnas) Motivatsioonikiri (sh töökogemuse kirjeldus)


Teaduspargi 5


Teaduspargi 5


1176 €/osaleja

Märkused hinna kohta:

Tasu maksmine toimub mikrokraadikava kogumaksumuse alusel semestripõhiselt ning arvutatakse vastavalt valitud õppeaine ainepunktide mahule ja ülikoolis kehtestatud tasumääradele


auditoorne õppetöö:
256 akadeemilist õppetundi
iseseisev/muu õppetöö:
368 akadeemilist õppetundi




Avatud õppe keskus, 6203600, avatudope@taltech.ee