Tööpraktika arvestuse saamiseks üliõpilane:
Koostab praktika kuraatorile vormikohase avalduse
Avalduse saab esitada ÕIS-i keskonnas (valides: Dokumendid - Avaldused - Praktika arvestamine).
Esitab praktikakoha juhendaja hinnanguvormi allkirjastatult
Praktika juhendaja hinnanguvorm
Esitab praktikaaruane
Praktikajuhend (aruande ülesehitus punktis 9). Aruanne esitada PDF formaadis.
Teeb presentatsiooni praktikaaruande põhjal ning kannab ette praktika seminaril (inglise keeles).
Kui Ettevõtte/organisatsiooni küsib/nõuab praktika lepingut (mitte kohustuslik).
Ainet ei pea deklareerima. Kõik dokumendid tuleb esitada ÕIS keskkonnas.
Esitatud dokumentide alusel arvestab praktika kuraator tööpraktika hiljemalt kahe nädala jooksul pärast aruande ette kandmist.
Praktikaaruande ette kandmise soovist anda teada emaili teel praktikakuraatorile vähemalt 3 tööpäeva enne seminari kuupäeva (selleks hetkeks peab ka praktika aruanne esitatud olema).
After completing the internship, the student is required:
To sumbit a template-based application
The application should be submitted in ÕIS (by choosing: Documents - Applications - Acceptance of practice).
To submit an internship certificate signed by his/her supervisor at the organization
Internship supervisor evaluation
To submit an internship report to his/her internship curator
The report should be in PDF format and formatted accordingly to Report guidelines (see point 7).
To give a presentation based on the report at a public seminar at the end of the semester.
If the company/oraganization requires an internship contract: Internship contract (not mandatory)
The subject does not have to be declared. All documents should be submitted in ÕIS.
After submitting all the documents and after a succesful presentation at a public seminar the intership curator will accept the application in two weeks time.
Please notify by email at least 3 work days before the seminar of your wish to participate in the seminar (the report should be submitted at the latest at this time).
- S. Ulp and T. Trump, “Distributed adaptive network with SNR weighed communication,” in Digital Information, Networking, and Wireless Communications (DINWC), 2015 Third International Conference on. IEEE, 2015, pp. 83–87. [ETIS 3.1]
- S. Ulp and T. Trump, “Leader selection in cooperative network based on MDL subspace algorithm for cognitive radio,” in 2016 50th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers. IEEE, 2016, pp. 704–708. [ETIS 3.1]
- S. Ulp, Y. Le Moullec, and M. M. Alam, “LMS-based leader selection for distributed estimation,” in 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT). IEEE, 2017, pp. 211–215. [ETIS 3.1]
- S. Ulp, Y. Le Moullec, and M. M.Alam, ”Energy-efficient distributed leader selection algorithm for energy-constrained wireless sensor networks.” IEEE Access. 2019, 7, pp. 4410–4421 [ETIS 1.1]