Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

The ISE Researchers' Careers Task Force has been conducting a long reflection on the organisation
of academic research in Europe, with a focus on the systemic structural changes that will be
necessary for Europe to remain an attractive place to do science, and a competitive economic and
scientific powerhouse. To facilitate a constructive discussion around these topics, ISE will be
running a series of three webinars specifically designed for policy makers, funders, universities,
international organisations, and journalists. More information about each webinar can be found at
the registration links below.

Research assessment practices
Moderator: Mathew Tata (Eurodoc). Panelists: Sarika Wilson (The Guild), Stephen Curry (DORA),
Cecilia Cabello Valdés (ERAC).
4 March 2021, 2pm - 3:30pm CET REGISTER HERE

Research grant evaluation
Moderator: Renaud Jolivet (MCAA). Panelists: Frédéric Sgard (OECD), Catherine McCammon (ERC
panel member), James Morris (Science Europe), Kasper Gossink (Dutch Funding Agency - NWO).
18 March 2021, 2pm - 3:30pm CET REGISTER HERE

ABOUT ISE: The Initiative for Science in Europe (https://initiative-se.eu) is an independent platform of
16 European Learned Societies and Research Organizations operating within different disciplines and
across sectors. ISE supports all fields of research at a European level, involves researchers in the design
and implementation of European science policies, and advocates strong independent scientific advice in
European policy making.

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