Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Please join us for a roundtable discussion of what Estonian higher education institutions can learn from the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in terms of how to support student startups. The session will be most relevant for experts developing support measures for student innovation and entrepreneurship at the higher education level, as well as representatives of the public sector. Our presenters and advisors are covering the path of student startups coming out of the top technology university: Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).

The event will take place on Monday, May 15 at 13:00-16:00 in TalTech Mektory building, Raja 15, Samsung Digital Academy room. The event is held mainly on site, but there will be a MS Teams video connection as well (link sent to registered participants). The event is held in English and is free of charge for all participants.

In addition to having discussions amongst ourselves, we have two presenters from Eindhoven: 

+ Startups by students: Madis Talmar - Program Manager @ TU/e Students Teams; Assistant Professor of Innovation @ TU/e

+ Inside perspective: Nick Hol – Student @ TU/e having gone through TU/e’s programmes with a startup called SOLID, now mentoring others


MONDAY, MAY 15 – Deep-dive into how student innovation and entrepreneurship is supported in Eindhoven and what can be implemented in Estonia

13:00 Gathering, refreshments, introduction

13:20 TU/e Student Business and Innovation Support Ecosystem by Madis Talmar

14:10 Discussions, a break

14:40 Case Study and Reflections by Nick Hol

15:20 Discussions, wrap-up

16:00 The End

Spots are limited, so please register to secure your seat. The series of Deeptech Sandbox is organized by Tallinn University of Technology, Tehnopol Startup IncubatorEstBAN and Startup Estonia. Based on the insights and discussions, recommendations for the strategy of the Estonian deep tech ecosystem are put together in a whitepaper by the organizers.

Register here

You are also welcome to join the second part of the DeepTech Sandbox #3 event on May 16.