Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Due to an increase in the consumption of food, feed, fuel, and to meet global food security needs, there is a necessity to breed for high yielding crops that can adapt to future climate changes. Perennial ryegrass is the dominant forage grass species in Europe.  However, it exhibits poor performance under frost and drought conditions. Identifying important genes for specific climate conditions and editing the genome of perennial ryegrass is the aim of “Edit Grass 4 Food” Baltic Research Programme’s project.

Edit grass

The project “Improving adaptability and resilience of perennial ryegrass for safe and sustainable food systems through CRISPR-Cas9 technology - EditGrass4Food” is financially supported by European Economic Area (EEA) Grants with 1 000 000 euros.
The University of Latvia is coordinating the project and partners are Tallinn University of Technology, Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Lithuanian Agricultural and Forest Science Center.
Implementation period: 01/05/2021-30/04/2024

The workshop organized in Tallinn will present the project and give valuable information for scientists and students interested in plants, in food or feed as well as in tools used in biotechnology and molecular biology.

Programme (28th of October 2022):

  • 9:30 Registration and coffee

  • 10:00 EditGrass4Food: towards safe and sustainable food systems by improving adaptability and resilience of perennial ryegrass through genome editing / Prof. Nils Rostoks, University of Latvia

  • 10:25 Application of next generation sequencing technologies in gene discovery in Lolium perenne / Dr. Mallikarjuna Rao Kovi, senior researcher, Norwegian University of Life Sciences

  • 10:50 Phenotyping complex traits: adaptability to drought and frost in perennial ryegrass / Dr. Kristina Jaškūnė, senior researcher, Lithuanian Agricultural and Forest Science Center

  • 11:15 Plant genome editing and the Green Deal / Dr. Cecilia Sarmiento, senior researcher, Tallinn University of Technology

  • 11:40 Coffee and discussion 

Venue: Department of Chemistry and biotechnology, Akadeemia tee 15. Lectures will take place in SCI-109. Registration and coffee: SCI-154.



Project’s coordinator: Nils Rostoks (nrostoks@lu.lv)

Responsible person in Estonia: Cecilia Sarmiento (cecilia.sarmiento@taltech.ee)

