Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Avanenud on EIT Raw Materials võrgustiku taotlusvoor ja 6.04.2021 kell 11-12.30 toimub Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis EIT RAW Material innovatsioonivõrgustiku teemaline veebinar. Kõik soovijad saavad veebinariga liituda/ register to EIT Raw Materials webinar SIIN.

EIT Raw Material on innovatsioonivõrgustik lahendamaks materjalide tööstuse, teaduse ja õppe valdkondades esile kerkivaid väljakutseid, et tuleviku tööstus oleks innovaatiline ning kasutataks parimaid võimalikke tehnikaid ja tehnoloogiaid Euroopa ja sh Maailma rohelisemaks muutmiseks, järgides EU Green Deal eesmärke. Tallinna Tehnikaülikool on liitunud EIT Raw Materialsi võrgustikuga ja rakendab alates 2017.aastast 24 võrgustiku projekti.

Projektide taotlemine on mitme-etapiline:

1) Taotluse registreerimine ( projektiidee esitamine): 19.04.2021 kell 13.00 CET (hilisemad projektiideed ei saa osaleda)
2) taotluse esitamine: 03.05.2021 kell 13.00 CET
3) Valitud projektide täistaotluse esitamise tähtaeg: 01.09.2021 kell 13.00 CET Taotlusvoorus on välja toodud kindlad valdkonnad, millesse projektiideid oodatakse:

1. Lighthouse Sustainable Materials for Future Mobility:
- Resource efficient design of materials and products to optimize the use of critical raw materials
- Innovative technical and business solution in process design, plant engineering and construction
- Development of an improved life cycle inventory database for raw materials and advanced materials related to e-mobility

2. Lighthouse Sustainable Discovery and Supply:
- Targeted exploration of Strategic Materials and/or CRMs with advanced multi-scale data integration and quantifiable approach to scoping and pre-feasibility and a clear investor focus.
- Supply of Strategic Materials and/or CRMs in a responsible way and adhering to Social Licence to Operate (SLO) principles, including traceability of Strategic Materials and/or CRMs using geochemical fingerprinting, centralized due diligence, life cycle assessment (LCA) and blockchain technologies.
- Increase in processing capacity, efficiency and sustainability, including the expansion of existing facilities and creation of new facilities. Smart solutions that significantly reduce water and energy consumption and emissions while increasing yield are of critical importance to achieving more sustainable mineral processing operations that will have a positive impact for European value chains.

3. Lighthouse Circular Societies:
- Secondary Raw materials; Recycling-end of life products; Industrial Symbiosis/Industrial waste valorisation.
- Circular products - Design for circularity tools/methodologies.
- Recycling of end of life products containing Strategic Materials and/or CRMs including dismantling, sorting and recovering technologies.
- Supply of Strategic Materials and/or CRMs through industrial Waste Valorisation/Industrial Symbiosis

4. Regional Innovation Scheme
- Our objective: Increase innovation capacity in RIS countries by impact-driven activities

5. Educational projects(LLL)/programs

Life Long Learning:
- Raw and Advanced Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion (Battery minerals, battery production (cells, packs), applications (1st and 2nd life, recycling))
- Rare Earth Magnets and Motors (Metallurgical processes, magnet manufacturing, e-motor & generator design, dismantling)

6. EIT Labeled ready Master programs
- Resources Engineering
- Mining Engineering. The focus should take a global view to the mining sector and cover the entire mining life cycle and value chain
- Master Programme 3: Mineral Resources Exploration. The focus should combine a field-based learning approach with innovative methods for exploration in challenging environments

7. Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)
- Water treatment and monitoring
- Materials, waste and resources
- Energy technologies

Taotlemisega seotud informatsioon on leitav siin: https://eitrawmaterials.eu/call-for-projects/

Education projects
Lighthouse Appendix 
Capacity Building projects 
Upscaling projects 

Taotlustega seonduvas aitab kaasa mõelda EIT Raw Materialsi TalTech kontakt Veiko Karu, veiko.karu@taltech.ee
Taotlusi aitab kirjutada Teadusosakonna projektikirjutamise tiim, kontakt Siim Läänelaid, taotlus@ttu.ee