Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Teisipäeval, 28. septembril kell 18.00-19.00 toimub Jean Monnet’ mooduli "The Economic and Legal Evaluation of Digital Ecosystems in the EU" (ELEDEUU) raames majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituudi ning õiguse instituudi koostöös korraldatud külalisloeng „Smart-Contract Language for DAOS“ Ettekande teeb Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Tarkvarateaduse instituudi dotsent Dr. Alexander Norta.

Üritusel saab osaleda virtuaalselt MS Teamsi kaudu (link).

Lisainfo:  Hakan Berber, hakan.berber@taltech.ee.

Lühikokkuvõte inglise keeles: The presentation introduces the intersection between smart-contract blockchain systems, internet of things (IoT) and security and the problems and opportunities that emerge. First, I address the current trends in IoT and the rising importance for business. Next. I introduce the exciting topic of blockchain technology and the extension towards smart contracts. Finally, the main properties of security are addresses. After the elementary introductions, the keynote investigates the intersections between IoT and blockchain, IoT and security, and blockchain and security. This intersection investigation reveals problems that open up scope for future research work. The keynote culminates in the presentation of various industry applications in the supply chain domain.

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