Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

In the course of Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability at TalTech Katre Kahre will give an open lecture.

Katre Kahre
Katre Kahre

Jolos sustainability manager and partner Katre Kahre talks about how to organize sustainable events and shares experience stories of both successes and failures in this regard. Jolos is the leading agency in sustainable events in Estonia and has successfully completed the green change and environmental impact management program at the Green Tiger Academy.

Lecture is open for all but registration is needed: 


Also see other open lectures about sustainability in businesses:
16.10 @ 17.45: Katrin Bats from RIMI
20.10 @17.45: Evelin Heiberg from ORKLA
30.10 @17.45: Maris Riim from SWEDBANK