Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Neljapäeval, 29. oktoobril kell 17.30-19.00 toimub ruumis SOC-415 Erasmus+ Jean Monnet’ mooduli „The Economic and Legal Evaluation of Digital Ecosystems in the EU“ (ELEDEUU) raames õiguse instituudi ning majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituudi koostöös korraldatud külalisloeng "Will states be rendered irrelevant in the digital ecosystems of giants?" Ettekande teeb Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli õiguse instituudi kaasatud professor ja e-Riigi Akadeemia uuringute juht Katrin Nyman-Metcalf.

Üritusel saab osaleda ka virtuaalselt MS Teamsi kaudu (link).

Lisainfo:  Hakan Berber, hakan.berber@taltech.ee.

Kokkuvõte inglise keeles: Human rights are rights that all humans have, primarily vis-à-vis the state. The state must not violate our rights and furthermore must protect us against violations by private parties. The legal system provides states with various tools to fulfil this role, including legislation setting out the limits for what can or cannot be done, police forces with the rights to enforce rules, courts that will determine how laws should be interpreted, and so on. Each state can act in its territory and in some other instances where it may have jurisdiction, based on rules of international law. Then, internet came...The lecture will discuss whether we can still expect the state to protect us by creating norms for what is acceptable, enforcing norms, and providing us with tools of protection against others. Who decides what is ethical content on YouTube? Is Facebook responsible for our privacy? Where does Google have jurisdiction?

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