Küberkaitse magistriõppekava jaanuarikuised kaitsmised toimuvad 13. jaanuaril 2023 (EET). Kaitsmised toimuvad veebis.
Meeting ID: 847 1514 6617
Passcode: 546061
- 10:00 Janika Pirel Jasmin Hirvi "An Analysis of the Impact of Common Crime Scene Errors in Mobile Phone Evidence Handling" Juhendaja: Matthew James Sorell
- 11:00 Siim-Alexander Kütt "Stride-Based Black Box Penetration Testing Methodology for Micro-Mobility Services" Juhendaja: Shaymaa Khalil
- 12:00 Pavel Kargin "Development of a Third Party Applet for the Estonian National ID" Juhendaja: Juhan-Peep Ernits