Olete oodatud majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituudi teadusseminarile "The Equilibrium Effects of Workers’ Local Access to Jobs: Evidence from a Labor Market Integration". Seminar toimub kolmapäeval, 8. detsembril kell 16.00 - 17.00 ruumis SOC-413 ja MS Teamsi veebikeskkonnas (link). Ettekande teeb Flavio Hafner (Aalto University).
Lühikokkuvõte inglise keeles: I study an integration of local labor markets which made it easier for French border commuters to get a job in the high-wage Swiss labor market. The research design compares how labor market outcomes of employees in France evolve in treated labor markets relative to a matched control group of labor markets in other parts of France. While the reform attracted more highly educated workers to the Swiss market, it had three impacts on French labor markets: First, there is a small increase in wages, primarily among lower-skill workers. Second, employment in French firms does not decline and increases among low-skill workers. This stems, third, from an overcompensating response of labor supply: The active labor force increases both through an increase in the resident population and higher labor force participation, and this more than offsets the increase in commuting. The unemployment rate increases because not all workers find jobs. The effects are consistent with an equilibrium search model where the integration increases the value of job search and thus local labor supply. The newly entering workers create a search externality on the market: On one hand, firms’ vacancy filling rate increases, leading to an employment spillover in France. On the other hand, workers’ job finding rate decreases, which increases unemployment and dampens the direct wage impact from the access to Swiss jobs.
JEL koodid: J08, J21, J31, J42, J60, R23
Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituudi avatud teadusseminarid toimuvad tavaliselt kuu teisel ja neljandal kolmapäeval nii kohapealse kui online osalemisvõimalusega, kui ei ole teatatud teisiti. Ettekanne kestab u 45 minutit, millele järgneb veerand tundi arutelu. Seminar toimub inglise keeles. Ettekande aluseks olev artikkel on üldjuhul kättesaadav seminaril kohapeal. Majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituudi teadusseminarid toimuvad koostöös Euroopa Liidu rahastatava Horisont 2020 teadus- ja innovatsiooniprogrammi grandiprojektiga nr 952574 „Indiviidi käitumine ja majanduslik tulemuslikkus: Metodoloogilised aspektid ja institutsionaalne kontekst“ (IBEP). Küsimuste korral vőib pöörduda IBEP-i seminaride koordinaatori Kadri Männasoo poole: kadri.mannasoo@taltech.ee.
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