Poola riiklik teadusasutus NCBJ pälvis Horisont 2020 Teaming grandi ning on loomas rahvusvahelist tippkeskust materjaliteadustes. Tippkeskuses on praegu avatud konkursid doktorantide ja järeldoktorite palkamiseks, lisaks otsitakse inseneri korrosiooni uurimissuuna toetuseks.
National Centre for Nuclear Research, in strategic Alliance with CEA-France and VTT-Finland, has won a prestigious H2020 WIDENING TEAMING grant of 15 MEuro value. With this 7-years (!) grant, complemented by various national sources, we are operating an international Centre of Excellence "NOMATEN" devoted to novel materials and radiopharmaceuticals. The NOMATEN CoE, being by definition international (it has foreign Directors and International Scientific Council), welcomes foreign physicists and offers conditions at a decent european level.
Currently, NOMATEN CoE recruits PhD candidates and post-docs in the following areas of Material Sciences:
- Functional Properties
- Materials Characterization
- Materials Structure, Informatics and Function
- Complexity in Functional Materials
- Novel Radiopharmaceuticals for Medical Applications
In addition corrosion experts are needed.
PhD candidates - Assistant Research - Advanced Multifunctional Materials Science
Postdoc positions at NOMATEN Centre of Excellence
Support Specialist in Corrosion