Ärikorralduse instituut kutsub üritusele.
Neljapäeval, 20. oktoobril kell 17:30 Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis (Akadeemia tee 3, ruum SOC-309)
The National Estonian Multiplier Event for the EU Erasmus+ project “SMEs – Be Prepared for Supply Chain Risks”
During the event, we will: present the main results of our EU project “SMEs – be prepared for supply chain risks”. This includes interviews and survey results from six EU countries including Estonia. Offer a practical “training toolbox” dedicated to SMEs to better cope with supply chain risks provide practical advice on how to improve the management of supply chain risks.
Coffee/tea, soft drinks and cake/light snacks will be served.
P.S. You will benefit the most when you have a business/company background in SMEs.
Esitlus on inglise keeles. Palume registreeruda hiljemalt 17. oktoobril.
Projekti kood: 2020-1-EE01-KA202-077891