Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Olete oodatud ärikorralduse instituudi avalikule teadusseminarile.

Esmaspäeval 24. märtsil 2025 kell 14:00-15:30 ruumis SOC-356 / MS Teams

Ettekande teeb Jan Harima, PhD (TalTech majandusteaduskonna ärikorralduse instituudi teadur).

📝Both entrepreneurial ecosystems and the circular economy have attracted increasing scholarly and practical interest in recent years, yet their intersection remains underexplored. This study examines how the socio-cultural context of different ecosystem actors influences the early evolution of circular economy entrepreneurial ecosystems. Using an inductive case study approach, we analyze an emerging circular economy entrepreneurial ecosystem in Germany through a systematic examination of extensive interview data. Our findings reveal three partially conflicting institutional logics: industrial, entrepreneurial, and circularity logic. Their interaction gives rise to several developmental constraints, including goal misalignment, temporality, business model complexity, regulatory environment, conflicting risk propensity, and comprehension. We identify the crucial role of ecosystem intermediaries in addressing these constraints through various facilitative mechanisms, including educating, mediating, sensitizing, campaigning, legitimizing, and framing. These efforts ultimately drive logic hybridization. We propose a conceptual model of logic hybridization to explain how a field-specific institutional logic emerges in the early evolution of circular economy entrepreneurial ecosystems. This study enhances our understanding of how socio-cultural dynamics shape emerging entrepreneurial ecosystems and highlights the critical role of intermediaries in the institutionalization process.

Jan Harima, researcher at the Department of Business Administration of the School of Business and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology. Doctor of Economics and Social Science from the University of Bremen, Germany. His research focuses on mainly three domains: entrepreneurial ecosystems, startup support organizations, and entrepreneurship education.

Üritus on inglise keeles. Rohkem infot: pia.riips@taltech.ee