Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Olete oodatud ärikorralduse instituudi avalikule teadusseminarile.

Teisipäeval 11. märtsil 2025 kell 14:00-15:30 MS Teams

Ettekande teeb Aki Harima, PhD (TalTech majandusteaduskonna ärikorralduse instituudi professor).

📝Forcible displacement profoundly disrupts refugees' lives, marking a significant shift in their entrepreneurial journeys. This displacement involves a sudden loss of their former lives, significant psychological distress, and the challenge of establishing a temporary yet potentially long-term existence in a new country. Such drastic changes inevitably disrupt and reshape personal identities, which are inherently dynamic and evolve especially under conditions of upheaval. Consequently, the construction of an entrepreneurial identity becomes a crucial component of refugee entrepreneurship. This study investigates how refugee entrepreneurs navigate the dynamics of identity reconstruction. Drawing on in-depth interviews with Ukrainian female refugee entrepreneurs across several European countries, this research identifies strategic approaches to identity reconstruction. By shedding light on these dynamics, the study contributes to understanding refugee entrepreneurship and post-displacement identity reconstruction in entrepreneurial contexts.

Aki Harima, associate professor of entrepreneurship, the head of the Entrepreneurship and International Business Unit at the Department of Business Administration of the School of Business and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology. Doctor's Degree from the University of Bremen, Germany. Her research focuses on mainly three domains: entrepreneurial ecosystems, inclusive entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurship education.

Üritus on inglise keeles. Rohkem infot: pia.riips@taltech.ee