Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Olete oodatud ärikorralduse instituudi teadusseminarile.

Kolmapäeval 30. oktoobril 2024 kell 16:00-17:00 MS Teams

Ettekande teeb Daria Podmetina, D. Sc. (TalTech majandusteaduskonna ärikorralduse instituudi vanemteadur).

Companies are increasingly encouraged to enlarge their vision of innovation to encompass environmental and societal challenges rather than purely financial ones. Thus, firms, especially in smaller economies, like Estonia, look for tools to balance their innovation and economic goals with sustainability requirements. 

This presentation introduces new ETAG project: Aiming for Responsible innovation and Sustainability: looking for new insights from open innovation, circular design, and design thinking with focus on Estonia.

This project studies how companies can succeed in sustainability contributing to both – firm impact and financial performance by adopting new approaches to new product development (NPD) such as circular design for the technical and sensible approach to environmental and societal issues; design thinking to enhance creativity and problem-solving; and open innovation to enhance innovation process through collaboration. This study will suggest an innovative route to balance the competing requirements to develop new products and services with the broader considerations of responsible innovation, excel in sustainability performance, as well as derive outstanding financial outcomes. 

Daria Podmetina, D. Sc. (Tech.) joined Tallinn University of Technology, School of Business and Governance in October 2024 as senior researcher and PI for ETAG project focused on innovation and sustainability. Her research is in an interdisciplinary field of strategy, management and technology with a focus on innovation, sustainability, internationalization and entrepreneurship. After finishing her doctoral studies in 2011, she worked as postdoctoral researcher, and later as associate professor (2019-2023) at LUT University, Finland, where she also holds a docent position. Daria is an active member of the Academy of Management community, scientific board member of ISPIM and WOIC conferences, and serves as a reviewer for several top academic journals. Being an education innovation enthusiast, she made an impact in integrating arts into STEM education, challenge-based education and developing 21st century skills for innovation management professionals and entrepreneurs. Daria promotes sustainability and collaborative innovation principles in research and teaching through international projects, collaboration with industry, presentations at international conferences, and publishing research results in academic journals such as Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Management Decisions, Journal of Small Business Management and others. Daria has also professional expertise in developing and coordinating research, industry, education and consulting projects and managing projects portfolio.

The seminar is in English. Further information: pia.riips@taltech.ee.