Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Olete oodatud ärikorralduse instituudi teadusseminarile.

Monday, 28 February 2022 at 16:00-17:30 via Zoom

A presentation by Susanne Durst (PhD), Wolfgang Gerstlberger (PhD) and Lidia Davies (all Department of Business Administration, TalTech).

This presentation will introduce the audience to the EU ERASMUS+ project “SMEs: Be Prepared for Supply Chain Risks” and its preliminary results. This current project at the Department of Business Administration with a runtime of two years (01. September 2020 - 31. August 2022) deals with different SME supply chain risks and possibilities for the identification and management of such risks. Based on the results, a Training Curriculum for Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) in SMEs will be developed.

Susanne Durst is a Full Professor of Management at the Department of Business Administration at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), Estonia. Her research interests include small business management, SME business transfers, knowledge (risk) management, and corporate governance. She has been conducting several national and international research projects on knowledge management, SME business transfers, marketing, corporate governance, and innovation management.

Wolfgang Gerstlberger is a Professor for Operations at the same department. His research interests are in sustainable supply chain management, innovation and operations management, digital transformation of businesses, and innovation systems on different levels. He has been leading and was involved in different EU and national research projects on (sustainable) operations and innovation management, corporate social responsibility and Public-Private Partnership for technology transfer.

Lidia Davies is a PhD Student at the Department of Business Administration at TalTech. She is supervised by Professor Susanne Durst and the topic of her PhD project is “Developing more crisis-proof organizations and business models”.

A project funded by European Union's Erasmus+ Programme under Project Reference: 2020-1-EE01-KA202-077891.

The seminar is in English. Seminar on inglise keeles.

Further information: pia.riips@taltech.ee.