Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Olete oodatud ärikorralduse instituudi teadusseminarile.

Wednesday, 27 September 2023 at 16:00-17:30 MS Teams

A presentation by Minna Saunila (Associate Professor, LUT University).

The presentation focuses on the role of different digital technologies in facilitating sustainable business transition. While the application of digital technologies has placed a strong emphasis on improving productivity and efficiency and supporting daily engineering, production, and decision-making; more recently organizations have also begun to pay attention to leveraging digitalization as part of their sustainability activities. Technological developments are being leveraged as part of sustainable production facilitation in terms of energy efficiency, waste reduction or worker well-being among others. The presentation identifies several perspectives on how digital technologies can be used to facilitate sustainable business.

Minna Saunila (D.Sc. Tech.) is an Associate Professor at LUT University, School of Engineering Sciences, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management. Her research covers topics related to sustainable operations and production, innovation, performance management, as well as service operations. Recently, her research projects have been related to digitisation of services and production. She has previously published in International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Technovation, Computers in Industry, and Journal of Engineering and Technology Management among others. Since 2018 she is also a docent of the University of Jyväskylä School of Business and Economics.

The seminar is in English. Further information: pia.riips@taltech.ee.