Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Olete oodatud ärikorralduse instituudi teadusseminarile.

Monday, 16 May 2022 at 13:00-14:00 MS Teams

A presentation by Nicoletta Corrocher (PhD, Lecturer at University of Bocconi).

In the workshop it is explored how the components of the technological regime affect catching-up and leadership change in green technologies in countries that are leaders and successful latecomers. We look at the extent to which technological opportunity, cumulativeness, originality and complexity of the knowledge base, and the maturity of technology contribute to the growth of patenting in green technologies. We test the relationships using USPTO patent data in green technologies over a 40-yeartime span (1975–2015), distinguishing two periods (1975–1999 and 2000–2015) and controlling for country-specific variables. Our results show that opportunity, complexity, originality, and maturity of the technology are positively associated with countries’ growth of patenting in green technologies, while cumulativeness has a negative effect, but only in the second period (2000–2015). The stock of  knowledge has a positive effect in the first period and a negative effect in the second one. Furthermore, we find confirmation that the process of growth in green patenting has been remarkable in successful latecomer countries (i.e., South Korea, Taiwan, and China).

This workshop is organised by TalTech Industrial project. TalTech Industrial has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952410.

Seminar on inglise keeles. The seminar is in English.