Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Olete oodatud ärikorralduse instituudi teadusseminarile.

A presentation by Mari-Klara Stein (PhD, Associate Professor at the Department of Digitalization, Copenhagen Business School).

Wednesday, 17 November 2021 at 11:00-12:00 via Zoom

"My presentation will discuss a synthesis of two published papers (Burton, Stein and Jensen, 2020 and Gal, Jensen and Stein, 2019) and ideas for future research based on this synthesis. I will focus on the question of how data-driven and algorithmic management can be done responsibly, especially when managing people and not inanimate objects. I cover three core issues that need to be addressed to achieve responsible algorithmic management: (1) What do human managers need? (2) What should algorithms do? And (3) How do human workers respond to algorithms taking the roles of the human manager? I go over six human-data interaction principles that inform the first two questions and discuss employee trust depending on their perceived information-based vulnerability to inform the last question. I summarize the implications of these ideas in terms of responsible algorithmic management as a path to avoiding harmful algorithm games that adversely affect algorithm accuracy, distributional fairness and efficiency as well as human autonomy.”

Mari-Klara Stein is an Associate Professor at the Department of Digitalization, Copenhagen Business School. For a number of years, she worked across Europe as an SAP consultant and a usability researcher, before undertaking her doctoral studies at Bentley University (USA). Mari-Klara’s research is focused on the digital transformation of work, including emerging forms of digital work, such as platform work and crowdwork; implications of work digitalization on emotional well-being and work meaningfulness, and the consequences of datafication and algorithmic management in the workplace. She has published her work in top management and IS journals (e.g., MIS Quarterly, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Information Technology, Information & Organization). Mari's MISQ paper (co-authored with three colleagues) received the European Research Paper of the Year award from CIONET - a leading community of IT executives in Europe, with over 5,000 members. Mari is also the recipient of the prestigious Association for Information Systems (AIS) Early Career Award. Mari is currently serving as an Associate Editor at MIS Quarterly and Senior Editor at Information & Organization.

The seminar is in English. Further information: pia.riips@taltech.ee.