Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

ETAg korraldab märtsis ja aprillis ingliskeelsete veebinaride sarja “Euroopa horisondi” tutvustamiseks. Peamiselt on tegemist eestikeelse jaanuaris-veebruaris toimuva sarja kordusega; erandiks on 24. märtsi veebinar EIC Acceleratori tutvustuseks (koostöös LINOga – vt lisatud registreerumislink allpool) ning aprillikuusse kavandatav Euroopa innovatsiooni ökosüsteeme tutvustav veebinar.

Introductory webinar series on Horizon Europe

The Estonian Research Council (ETAg) invites you to a series of introductory webinars on the new EU framework programme for research and innovation – Horizon Europe (HEU, 2021-2027). The legal base and first work programmes of HEU are not adopted yet, so some of the information at our disposal is not final and might still change. However there is sufficient information to give you a basic introduction and overview of the new framework programme and its parts. This webinar series will be in English, and repeats the Estonian-language series conducted in January and February (with the exception of the planned EIC Accelerator and EIE webinars).

The webinars will mostly be held on Wednesdays in March and first half of April, and registration is required for participation. It is expected that the HEU work programmes for 2021-2022 will be adopted in mid-April. After this, we will organise more detailed info events for the different thematic areas.

10 March, 10:00-12:00 – Introduction to Horizon Europe. General rules of participation

Registration: https://etag.clickmeeting.com/introduction-to-horizon-europe-general-rules-of-participation/register

17 March, 10:00-12:00 – I Pillar of Horizon Europe: ERC, MSCA, and Research Infrastructures

Registration: https://etag.clickmeeting.com/i-pillar-of-horizon-europe-erc-msca-and-research-infrastructures/register

24 March, 11:00-12:30 – III Pillar of Horizon Europe: Introduction of the EIC Accelerator, evaluation of the projects and requirements for evaluators (in cooperation with LINO)

Registration: https://forms.gle/3F7M3jHofigKQVUx8 (deadline for registration 23 March, 10 AM)

31 March, 10:00-12:00 – II Pillar of Horizon Europe

Registration: https://etag.clickmeeting.com/ii-pillar-of-horizon-europe/register

April (date tbc) – III Pillar of Horizon Europe: European Innovation Ecosystems (EIE). In cooperation with our Lithuanian and Latvian partners and Enterprise Estonia (EAS) we plan to organise a webinar introducing the concept and activities under Horizon Europe EIE; registration link will follow separately.

7 April, 10:00-12:00 – Widening participation and strengthening the ERA

Registration: https://etag.clickmeeting.com/widening-participation-and-strengthening-the-era/register

Kontakt TalTechi teadusosakonnast: Marika Lunden, marika.lunden@taltech.ee