Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

We welcome you to the workshop-webinar on Estonia-Norway research cooperation on sustainable energy & circular economy.

May be an image of text that says 'We welcome you to the workshop/webinar on ESTONIA-NORWAY RESEARCH COOPERATION ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & CIRCULAR ECONOMY MONDAY, 30 OCTOBER 2023 13:00-15:00 ceT (OSLO) 14:00-16:00 EET (TALLINN) ONLINE SEOATAL TECH NTNU Liechtenstein w Norway Norwegian Norwaygrants'

Monday, 30th of OCTOBER 2023
13:00-15:00 CET (Oslo) // 14:00-16:00 EET (Tallinn)
taking place online in MS TEAMS for easy access from all locations in Estonia and Norway.

You are most welcome to extend the invitation by passing on the calendar invite or information.
Or let us know of the additional invitees who should be invited and we will add them to Teams.


13:00 CET
(14:00 EET) Welcome words

13:10 Tour de table

13:20 Collaboration projects between NTNU and TalTech

13:40 Collaboration projects between University of Stavanger and TalTech

14:00 The cooperation project on the visionary report on Estonian-Norwegian cooperation in renewable energy and green transition:
findings and proceedings, new initiatives based upon the report

14:20 Discussion on further opportunities for joint R&D and Business projects
on circularity and energy, domains and funding

14:45 Next steps and the event format
follow-up potential

15:00 End of event
Discussion online can continue

Contacts: ulrika.hurt@taltech.ee and koidu.saia@taltech.ee

For getting the calendar invite, kindly also send an e-mail. Otherwise, click the ATTENDANCE LINK at the time of the event.