Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Kolmapäeval, 27. mail kell 15:00-16:00 toimub virtuaalne teadusseminar: The role of firms in the gender wage gap. Ettekande teeb: Jaan Masso (Tartu ülikool)

Kokkuvõte inglise keeles: 

Recent research suggests that firm-level factors play a significant role in the gender wage gap. This paper adds to this literature by analysing the role of sorting between firms and bargaining within firms using the methodology of Card et al. (2016). We employ linked employer-employee data for the whole population of firms and employees from Estonia for 2006–2017. Estonia is a country with the highest gender wage gap in the EU with about two-thirds of that unexplained by conventional factors. The results show that firm-level factors are important determinants of the gender wage gap, explaining as much as 35% of the gap. We find that within-firm bargaining plays a larger role in the gender wage gap than similar prior papers. This could be related to lenient labour market institutions, as reflected in low minimum wages and union power, and to lower bargaining skills of women. Further, the role of firm-level factors in the gender wage gap have increased over time, and these are especially important at the top of the wage distribution and among workers that are more skilled. There is a heavy penalty for motherhood in wages, 4–9 log points, but this is not related to firm-specific time-invariant productivity premiums.
JEL Classification: J31, J71, J16, D22

Keywords: Gender wage gap, firm-level productivity premiums, sorting and bargaining, distribution of wages, skills, motherhood penalty.

Majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituudi teadusseminarid toimuvad tavaliselt kuu teisel ja neljandal kolmapäeval. Seminarid on avatud ning nende eesmärgiks on ettekannete arutelu ja teaduskoostöö edendamine. Ettekanne kestab 45 minutit, millele järgneb veerandtunnine arutelu. Seminar on tavaliselt inglise keeles. TalTech majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituudi teadusseminarid toimuvad koostöös Euroopa Liidu rahastatava Horisont 2020 teadus- ja innovatsiooniprogrammi ning Marie Skłodowska-Curie programmi grandiprojektiga nr 734712 „Institutsioonid teadmistepõhise majandusarengu saavutamiseks“. Küsimuste korral pöörduda prof. Karsten Staehri või Rachatar Nilavongse poole.


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