Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Novembris käivitus Euroopa tipp-tehnikaülikoolide koostööna loodud supertehnikaülikooli projekt EuroTeQ Engineering University. Kuigi aktiivne õppe- ja arendustöö on alles ettevalmistamisel, saavad TalTechi tudengid juba praegu osa partnerülikoolide kõrgetasemelistest kursustest. TalTechi karjäärinõustaja Monika Sutrop annab lapsevanematele nõuandeid, kuidas praegusel keerulisel ajal olla oma lapsele toeks eriala valikul.

The launch and virtual kick-off meeting of the EuroTeQ project was held on November 24 at the TalTech campus together with the opening of the regular daily transport lane of TalTech’s self-driving vehicle iseAuto.

The first phase of the EuroTeQ project focuses mainly on overcoming technological barriers, developing new science-based formulas for education and cooperating with external entrepreneurship stakeholders in order to understand the future competences of engineering. 

Next to TalTech, the following European top engineering universities participate in the EuroTeQ project: the Technical University of Munichthe Technical University of Denmark, the Eindhoven Technical Universitythe Czech Technical University in Prague and the École Polytechnique from France. As partners, Technion from Israel and EPFL from Switzerland are included. The super-university today has 130 000 students in total.

EuroTeQ Engineering University shall issue diplomas and provide education that is compliant with the standards and legislation of all the participating countries and the European Union, focusing mainly on the future needs of engineering education. One of the goals of the new super-university is to offer life-long learning possibilities to engineers.

The first students of the EuroTeQ University shall study at TalTech in 2021. The students of TalTech can already participate in the selected courses offered by partner universities. The students who take the courses are awarded ECTS credit points.