Tallinna Tehnikaülikool on seadmas sihte järgmiseks viieks aastaks ja kaugemalegi. Ootame mõtteid sellest, millist Tehnikaülikooli Eesti, maailm ja tulevik vajavad, nii tänastelt ja tulevastelt üliõpilastelt, teadlastelt kui ka ettevõtjatelt. TalTech on Eesti ainus tehnikaülikool – teeme ta selliseks, nagu meile kõigile meeldib!
You can take part in two competitions:
Essay competition: "University without borders, the best opportunity for Estonia"
What could be the role of a future university for the student, society, and the planet? Where do smart people come from and how not to lose or waste their potential? How to dissolve imaginary boundaries between countries, organizations, sexes, and fields of activity?
We invite visionaries and philosophers, students and parents, writers, and entrepreneurs to participate.
- Essay length: 10 000 characters
- Deadline: January 3, 2021
- Send your essay to esseekonkurss@taltech.ee
- The main prize is 800 euros. The rector of TalTech will invite the authors of the best essays to a dinner meeting with his team to discuss the topic of university without borders.
More information: https://www.taltech.ee/en/news/taltech-essay-competition-university-without-borders-best-opportunity-estonia
Idea competition: What could make TalTech an even more awesome university?
In what kind of a university you would like to study at? Have cooperation with? Join as a professor? We are waiting for all kinds of ideas for our campus, study organization, and research cooperation. Send your idea in any form - a video, a comic, short story, animation, poem, or just plain short text!
NB! If you have more ideas, please take part in our “University without borders” essay competition.
- Deadline: January 3, 2021
- Send your idea to idee@taltech.ee
- The best idea will receive 300 euros. The ideas that gain the most attention among the members of the university will be realized!
More information: https://taltech.ee/en/news/taltech-idea-competition-what-could-make-taltech-even-more-awesome-university
TalTech will announce the results of the competitions on January 21 at the university's big development conference.