Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Teisipäeval, 11. veebruaril kell 18:00-19:00 toimub ruumis SOC-311 majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituudi korraldatud külalisloeng Scenarios for Digital Platform Ecosystems and Estonian Digital Governance.

Teisipäeval, 11. veebruaril kell 18:00-19:00 toimub ruumis SOC-311 Erasmus+ Jean Monnet’ mooduli „The Economic and Legal Evaluation of Digital Ecosystems in the EU“ raames majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituudi korraldatud külalisloeng Scenarios for Digital Platform Ecosystems and Estonian Digital Governance.

Ettekande teeb Meelis Kitsing (Riigikogu Arenguseire Keskus)

Lisainfo: Hakan Berber, hakan.berber@taltech.ee 

Kokkuvõte inglise keeles: 

This presentation explores the role of governance in digital platform ecosystems and potential future developments. It makes four contributions. First, the concept of digital platform ecosystem is introduced instead of platform economy. Second, the future of digital platform ecosystems is explored on the basis of scenario planning which allows to consider alternative future trajectories rather than rely on extrapolation of current trends. Third, presentation compares different digital governance scenarios developed by international and national organizations which also highlight potential futures for digital platform ecosystems. Last but not least, five Estonian digital governance scenarios are discussed in the context of actual policy making. This reveals that the trend is towards centralization of digital governance in Estonia rather than towards decentralized networked governance approach.