TalTechi Eesti Mereakadeemias alustas tööd meretehnika professor Abbas Dashtimanesh.
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Abbas Dashtimanesh
Eesti Mereakadeemia, meretehnika professor
Esimene tööpäev: 03.09.2019.
Please introduce yourself in five sentences.
I was the assistant professor of marine hydrodynamics in Persian Gulf University of Iran.
What kind of knowledges and experiences you bring to TalTech from your previous jobs?
My previous researches have been focused on the hydrodynamics of high-speed small craft. I have also worked on different types of marine vehicles. Moreover, I have industrial experiences on the hydrodynamic design of the various marine crafts, especially the planing hulls. In addition to research experiences, I have been the director of international affairs and foreign students in Persian Gulf University which may be useful for TalTech because of the ongoing internationalization strategy of the Technology.
What are your goals in your position in TalTech?
The main goal is to create an international research group in cooperation of researchers from various countries. By organizing such research group, the domain of our activities and our influences will be developed and we can act as a respected player in the world maritime research and development. It is my main goal during the next years.
At the moment, I have started to work with several universities from Australia, Italy and the USA. They have agreed to collaborate together and we are the focal point. I am well aware that we are in the first steps but I’m sure that by moving forward in a step by step procedure and also organizing and developing master and PhD programs in Estonian Maritime Academy, we can be successful in the near future.
One surprise that you have had within your time in TalTech?
The main surprise is warm and kind behaviour of TalTech and Estonian Maritime Academy staff. In any situation, they always support you, completely. I want to thank everyone who have supported me till now. ■