TalTechi arvutisüsteemide instituudis alustas tööd riistvara ja süsteemide turvalisuse ning usaldatavuse professor Samuel Nascimento Pagliarini.
Sügis tõi TalTechi hulga uusi professoreid. Küsisime kõigilt neli küsimust. Rahvusvahelise taustaga töötajate vastused jätsime rahvusvahelisse keelde usus, et lugejad mõistavad: TalTechis on töötajaid 51 riigist ja 61% teadusartiklitest valmib rahvusvahelises koostöös.
Samuel Nascimento Pagliarini
Arvutisüsteemide instituut, riistvara ja süsteemide turvalisuse ning usaldatavuse professor
Esimene tööpäev: 01.08.2019.
Please introduce yourself in five sentences.
After spending many years in the US working as a senior research scientist for Carnegie Mellon University, I have decided to make Estonia my new home. Prior to that, I had a postdoctoral appointment at the University of Bristol, UK. I like to keep myself overly busy, surprisingly that’s when I do my best work.
Right now, I am working on five proposals at the same time...
What kind of knowledges and experiences you bring to TalTech from your previous jobs?
My background is in digital circuit design, spanning all areas related to hardware security, reliability, verification, and automation. I have designed some really unusual integrated circuits (ICs), e.g., one chip with 3000 individual memories and a couple of chips with magnetic components. I have also designed some really big chips – the biggest one actually crosses the mark of one billion transistors. This is the know-how I am bringing to TalTech and to the Estonian IT sector in general. I believe good ideas should be demonstrated and validated in silicon, that’s my research goal and motto.
What are your goals in your position in TalTech?
My initial goal is to build a strong research team, so I am devoting a lot of my time to recruiting. The long term goal is to build all the right competences to put Estonia “on the map” of Hardware Security and IC design in general.
One surprise that you have had within your time in TalTech?
The little robots that go up and down all over the campus. ■