Aasta algusest on TalTechi (tenuuri)professorkond täienenud hulga uute inimestega. Uurisime lähemalt, kes nad on ja millest mõtlevad. Rahvusvahelise taustaga töötajate vastused jätsime rahvusvahelisse keelde usus, et lugejad mõistavad: TalTechis on töötajaid 51 riigist ja 61% teadusartiklitest valmib rahvusvahelises koostöös.
Susanne Durst on ärikorralduse instituudis juhtimise professor. Esimene tööpäev TalTechis: 1. jaanuar 2020

Please introduce yourself.
I am the new Professor of Management at the Department of Business Administration. Research-wise I am interested in the interface between knowledge management and innovation, taking a small firm perspective. Recently I have started working on the topic of sustainable digitalization to make a contribution to a more balanced and reflective discussion about digitalization.
About myself, I am a practitioner turned academic who has been working and living in a number of different countries such as Peru, Italy, and Sweden. I am a person who likes to work in diverse and interdisciplinary teams and who is good at identifying and exploiting opportunities.
What kind of knowledges and experiences you bring to TalTech from your previous jobs?
I bring to TalTech my in-depth knowledge and experiences regarding the topics of knowledge management (KM) and small business management, KM in small firms as well as business transfers of small businesses. Having worked in big and small firms and being the children of entrepreneurial parents give me the opportunity to better bridge the gap between theory and practice. Moreover, I am embedded in an international network of researchers I believe TalTech can benefit from as well.
What are your goals in your position in TalTech?
Being a team-player, my goal is to help the department of Business Administration and TalTech to develop further in order to meet or even exceed the goals set. This refers to all pillars teaching, research and projects with external stakeholders. By doing so I hope we will create higher national and international visibility which in turn could make it easier to attract both promising students at all levels and highly qualified academics.
One surprise that you have had within your time in TalTech?
I really like the openness of the colleagues from my department as well as other departments. The people at TalTech are interested and eager in doing something new or something different. Thus, an entrepreneurial mind-set seems to prevail, which is great!