Seminar toimub kolmapäeval, 15. aprillil kell 15.00-15.40 keskkonna MS Teams kaudu
Ettekande teeb: Juan Carlos Cuestas Olivares (Majandusanalüüsi ja rahanduse instituut, TalTech; Department of Economics and IEI, Jaume I University, Spain; Vanemteadur, Eesti Pank)
In this paper we contribute to the long literature on determining the real exchange rate by using models that incorporate structural breaks and nonlinearities. We estimate cointegrated dynamic ordinary least squares regressions, Bayesian vector autoregressions (VAR), and interactive panel VARs. We find that the estimated coefficients for the CEECs and for the other member states differ from each other. We also find that the models are different before and after the crisis, and appreciations and depreciations of the RER seem to condition the long run equations for the EU15+2.
Key words: Real exchange rates, competitiveness, quantile regression, Bayesian, asymmetric model, structural breaks, European integration.
Link seminarile: LINK. Võite ühineda ka MS Teams grupiga DEF_Seminar (kood: 67nffil).
Ettekanne kestab umbes 30 minutit ja küsimusi saab esitada 10 minutit.
Küsimused seminari kohta võib saata korraldajale Prof. Karsten Staehr või Rachatar Nilavongse