Tallinn University of Technology


Two major European projects, 5G-ROUTES (EC co-funding) and 5GOpenRoad (BPI co-funding), have teamed up to organize the 2nd PhD School on challenges and technologies for 5G Connected Automated Mobility and 5G-empowered media applications across Europe.
The PhD School is free of charge (excluding travel and accommodation), and will take place on June 20-21, 2024, at Telecom Paris (Palaiseau), Paris-Saclay campus (20 km south of Paris), France. 
The PhD School is a unique opportunity for young researchers (PhD students) and undergrad students (Master students) to get insights on diverse challenges of 5G for CAM in cross-border scenarios (terrestrial and maritime) and on 5G-empowered media applications and NetApps from senior researchers with an academic or industrial background. 
The event is also a great opportunity to develop your professional network, both in academia and industry.
Participants are strongly encouraged to submit an extended abstract. Accepted extended abstracts will be presented as posters.
The call for extended abstracts and posters can be found HERE.

Important deadlines

Deadline for submitting papers: June 2nd, 2024  June 10th

The PhD School: June 20-21, 2024

Speakers and Topics, June 20th

Yannick Le Moullec

  • Yannick Le Moullec (Senior Member, IEEE) received the MSc degree from the Université de Rennes I, France, in 1999, and the PhD and HDR (accreditation to supervise research) degrees from the Université de Bretagne Sud, France, in 2003 and 2016, respectively. From 2003 to 2013, he was successively Postdoctoral Researcher, Assistant Professor, and Associate Professor with the Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark. He then joined Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, first as a Senior Researcher (2013 to 2016), and then on the Cognitive Electronics professorship (2017 to date). So far, he has supervised or co-supervised 60 MSc theses and 15 PhD theses. He has been involved in more than 20 projects, including five as PI, co-PI, or co-main applicant; one such notable project was the H2020 COEL ERA-Chair project from 2015 to 2019. He is an IEEE Senior Member and member of the IEEE Sustainable ICT Technical Community and of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.

Pierre Merdrignac

  • Bio: Pierre Merdrignac received a Ph.D. degree in robotics from Mines ParisTech, working with Inria and VEDECOM on data fusion algorithm between on-board sensor observations and personal smartphone GPS location for pedestrian collision avoidance application. Since 2016, he has been a researcher with the VEDECOM Institute, contributing in collaborative R&D projects on V2X communication and participating in multiple experimentation of 5G network for connected and automated driving.

Title: to be updated
Abstract: to be updated

  • Keynote speaker: Jorge Pereira, Project Officer from the European Commission (5G-ROUTES)

Bio: to be updated

Speaker: Kati Kõrbe (EEE) - Project Coordinator 5G-ROUTES

Bio: Prof. Kati Kõrbe received her Ph.D degree (2014) in civil and environmental engineering from Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. She was the Head of Building and Housing Department in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Republic of Estonia (2004-2008) From 2014-... she has been holding the position of  Associate Professor in the field of logistics and supply chain engineering and also contributing in 5G cross border research for Ericsson Eesti as part of Application Development & Managed Services IT Department.  Her focus has been in the areas of 5G networks, network industries smart mobility, future sustainable supply chains and complex performance measurement frameworks.

Title: 5G ROUTES: Challenges and Transformations

  • Abstract: 5G Routes project has undergone rapid changes during the years. This presentation describes the changes in technical and UC landscape and shortly focuses on what is needed to be agile and efficient.

Speaker: Laurent Février (VEDECOM) - 5G Open Road

Bio: Graduate from Telecom Paris, Laurent has worked during 20 years for military communication systems in Thales where he was involved at the early days in ATM (2 Patents), OMG and SdR. Then he has managed during 14 years the NEC R&D center in France dedicated to 3G and 4G technologies with strong involvement in 3GPP standards and participation in several EU projects on Cognitive Radio and Device to Device. Since 2015, Laurent is a Chief Engineer in VEDECOM for several national and EU R&D projects, addressing communication (DSRC, cellular) and perception infrastructures for automated vehicles with R&D challenges around cooperative perception and cooperative driving.

Title: 5G Open Road project introduction. (TBC)

  • Abstract: to be updated

Title: Multi-hop Communication via 5G Core Networks

  • Abstract: This talk presents a testbed developed for evaluating 5G multi-hop communication in maritime settings, focusing on its performance assessment, challenges, and lessons learned.

Speaker: Gentili Andrea

  • Bio: Andrea Gentili received his M.Sc. (Tech.) degree in Information and Communications Engineering at the University of Trento, Italy, in 2020. He is currently a research scientist at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. His research interests include edge computing, video streaming, and VR connectivity solutions.

Title: Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) NetApp for resource reservation and management

  • Abstract: 5GMediaHUB offers a Platform as a Service (PaaS) abstraction layer for NetApps, following cloud-native design principles. The PaaS facilitate the utilization of container technologies, where the consumer does not manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure, including network, servers, operating systems, storage, or platform services, but has control over the deployed applications and possibly over application hosting environment configurations.

Speaker 1: Hamzeh Khalili

  • Bio: Dr. Hamzeh Khalili received his bachelor’s degree in information technology from Assumption University of Thailand and master’s degree in information and communication technology, and a PhD in Network Engineering of Telematics, both from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) - Barcelona, Spain. He is currently principal investigator and researcher at CTTC, focusing at, 5G B5G and 6G networks, 3GPP, ETSI MANO, Software Defined Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Cloud-native technology, Satellite and Terrestrial resource coordination, and network slicing research and innovation. He has also extensive experience and research in EPON networks, network architecture and energy saving in optical networks, among others. Dr. Hamzeh Khalili has participated in several research projects, funded by the European Union (EU) and the Spanish government. He (co) authored many scientific articles published in high-profile journals, conferences, book chapters, and 5GPPP. He has been chairman, co-chairman, and technical program committee in more than 10 IEEE conferences and workshops. He currently leads the article collection on "Architecture, Enablers and Tools Toward 6G" at Frontiers in Communications and Networks, and a special issue on "Optical and Satellite Communication Systems into 5G Edge Network" at the Photonics Journal of MDPI. Moreover, he served as a reviewer in IEEE Access, Optical Communication and Networking, Communication Systems and ACM Computing Survey journals, and conferences such as IEEE Meditcom, IEEE NetSoft, IEEE ICTON, NWCOM, EuCNC, to name a few examples. Dr. Hamzeh Khalili was an invited speaker for several events and talks on 1) Integration of Satellite and Terrestrial Networks at GEANT Symposium, 2) Distributed Cloud & Radio Platform for 5G Neutral Hosts at 5G Day – OSM & 5G Research, and 3) Softwarization and Virtualization of EPON networks architecture at SDN and Network Programmability Meetup, 4)Tutorial on Toward NetApps & Applications deployment over PaaS NetApp – IEEE SDN-NFV 2022, 5) Webinar on Exploring Network Applications & Media Vertical Needs – 5G-PPP.

Speaker 2: Sarang Kahvazadeh

  • Bio: Dr. Sarang Kahvazadeh is a researcher at the Services as NetworkS (SaS) research unit at the Center Tecnològic de Telecommunications de Catalunya (CTTC) in Barcelona, Spain. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of computer architecture, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · Barcelona Tech – UPC, Barcelona, Spain in 2019 and M.S. in Software Information Technology from Debrecen University, Hungary in 2014 and B.S. degree in industrial engineering from olom va fonon Mazandaran, Iran, in 2014 and 2010, respectively. He has been involved in many projects at European level, such as H2020 5GSolutions (as project technical leader, 2020-present), monb5G (202-present), 5GMediaHuB (as WP leader, 2021-Present), 5GEpicentre (2021-present) ,  CIPSEC (As project technical leader (2016-2019) and MF2C (Project technical leader (2016-2019). He is co-author of 12 articles in international journals and conferences. His research interests are in the areas of 5G NFVI, Kubernetes, OSM, Cloud-native, Micro-services, Testbed as a service, NFV, and distributed security mechanism in 5G environment.

Title: Standardization challenges and opportunities in 5GMED project

  • Abstract: The presentation will introduce the 5GMED project with the four use cases and cross border challenges, then elaborate on the three roads for standardization initiatives thanks to project activities and results; the satellite slice classifier that is pushed in GSOA (Global Satellite Operators’s Association), the maneuver coordination service (MCS) between Vehicle and Vehicle or between Vehicle and Infrastructure, that is pushed at ETSI, and interPLMN handover with Local Breakout that is not yet specified in 3GPP and that we are pushing for.

Speaker: Laurent Février

  • Bio: Graduate from Telecom Paris, Laurent has worked during 20 years for military communication systems in Thales where he was involved at the early days in ATM (2 Patents), OMG and SdR. Then he has managed during 14 years the NEC R&D center in France dedicated to 3G and 4G technologies with strong involvement in 3GPP standards and participation in several EU projects on Cognitive Radio and Device to Device. Since 2015, Laurent is a Chief Engineer in VEDECOM for several national and EU R&D projects, addressing communication (DSRC, cellular) and perception infrastructures for automated vehicles with R&D challenges around cooperative perception and cooperative driving.

Title: Assessing the business impact of emerging technologies

  • Abstract: We will explore the methodological framework for evaluating the business impact of innovative technologies diving into sustainability, deployment, scalability and social benefit and will discuss how experts’ engagement techniques across the value chain may drive the development of effective cost-benefit analyses.

Speaker: Stella Nikolaou

  • Bio: Stella Nikolaou is a Human Factors expert and Research Associate at the Hellenic Institute of Transport since 2003. She has been involved in more than 20 national and European research projects since 1996, mainly leading/ supporting the technical implementation. Her main research focus includes road safety research with emphasis on automation and connectivity, human factors impact studies and interaction concepts, driver/rider state monitoring, as well as business and policy roadmaps development on “smart mobility”. She is the Scientific Manager of the recently funded EU project Diversify-CCAM focusing on integrating diversification aspects in CCAM design and development to foster mobility equality.

Speakers and Topics, June 21st

Title: 5GOpenRoad: Benefits of 5G for connected mobility

  • Abstract: 5GOpenRoad is the first 5G test site on open road in Europe. It targets to evaluate new uses of connected mobility and to understand the benefits and services provided by the 5G for the mobility of tomorrow. The talk introduces the architecture of the site, the different use-cases, highlighting some results from the field and it introduces the Network as Code technology that helps software developers harness and monetize the untapped potential of 5G networks.

Speaker: Bessem Sayadi

  • Bio: Dr Bessem Sayadi is a senior researcher at Nokia Bell-Labs in France. He worked on diverse areas ranging from video coding/caching/delivery, Cloud Native design, Software Network, 5G/6G architecture enablers, Native AI. He is an active contributor in different national and European projects HEXA-X, 5GOpenRoad, 5G-Tours etc. He served as the chairman of the 5G/6G-IA Software Network working group during the last five years, and he also chaired several workshops organized in prestige conferences (EUCNC, ICC, ICIN, 5G-WF). He has authored over 100 publications in journal and conference proceedings and holds 25 patents around slicing, device mobility, video coding and wireless communications.

Title: 5G technology for connected vehicles

  • Abstract: In this presentation, we will present our R&D activities on studying the benefits of 5G for connected vehicles. We will discuss of the potential applications, their requirements, and some key insights obtained from the 5G Open Road project.

Speaker: Oyunchimeg Shagdar

  • Bio: Oyunchimeg SHAGDAR received the Ph.D. degrees on Information Science and Control Engineering from Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan in 2009. She was researcher at Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute of Japan and at Inria, France from 2004 to 2012, and from 2012 to 2016, respectively. From 2015 to 2022 she was a R&D team leader at the VEDECOM Institute, France, during which, in 2018, she obtained her HDR (habilitation to direct research) in the domain of computer science, automation and signal processing from University of Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. She is currently an innovation project manager at the Ampère Sofware Technology of the Renault Group.

Title: 5G cross-border connectivity and a CAM Services Platform in the 5G-ROUTES Project

  • Abstract: In this talk we will present 5G-cross-border uninterrupted coverage, handover and integrated technologies. Moreover, we will present the CAM Services Platform defined within the 5G-ROUTES project.  This platform is conceived to automate the lifecycle management of virtualised CAM service backends and to assist them during run-time. It has multi-administrative domain features to support cross-border scenarios considered in the 5G-ROUTES project.

Speaker 1: Muhammad Mahtab Alam

  • Bio: Muhammad Mahtab Alam (Senior Member, IEEE) received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Aalborg University, Denmark, in 2007, and the Ph.D. degree in signal processing and telecommunication from the University of Rennes1 France (INRIA Research Center), in 2013. He did his postdoctoral research (2014–2016) at the Qatar Mobility Innovation Center, Qatar. In 2016, he joined as the European Research Area Chair holder and as an Associate Professor with the Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics, Tallinn University of Technology, where he was elected as a Professor in 2018 and Tenured Full Professor in 2021. Since 2019, he has been the Communication Systems Research Group Leader. His research focuses on the fields of wireless communications–connectivity, mobile positioning, 5G/6G services and applications. He has over 15 years of combined academic and industrial multinational experiences while working in Denmark, Belgium, France, Qatar, and Estonia. He has several leading roles as PI in multimillion Euros international projects funded by European Commission (Horizon Europe LATEST-5GS, 5G-TIMBER, H2020 5GROUTES, NATOSPS (G5482), Estonian Research Council (PRG424), Telia Industrial Grant etc. He is an author and co-author of more than 100 research publications. He is actively supervising a number of Ph.D. and Postdoc Researchers. He has also a contributed in two standardization bodies (ETSI SmartBAN, IEEE-GeeenICT-EECH), including “Rapporteur” of work item: DTR/ SmartBAN-0014”.

Speaker 2: Jorge Baranda

  • Bio: Jorge Baranda, IEEE Senior Member, received the M.S. degree and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia, in 2008 and 2021, respectively. He is currently a Senior Researcher with the Services as Networks (SaS) Research Unit, CTTC, Barcelona, Spain.  His current research interests mainly include the management and orchestration of SDN/NFV mobile networks including multi-administrative domain aspects.

Title: Federated Learning for V2X Misbehavior Detection System in 5G Edge Networks

  • Abstract: The emergence of 5G Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X) has made it the predominant technology for enabling Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications. As a result, this has created an opportunity for telecommunications service providers to leverage their pre-existing 5G network infrastructure, enabling them to provide Vehicle-to-Network (V2N) services.
    In this talk, I will present a new approach that enhances the security of 5G V2N services through the implementation of a Federated Learning V2X misbehavior detection system within the 5G core network. The proposed system aims to protect V2X application servers (V2X ASs) that are located in 5G edge networks against potential V2X attacks while leveraging the privacy and scalability advantages of Federated Learning. Our proposed model is compared, using extensive emulations, to other centralized and distributed approaches, achieving excellent results, which makes it feasible for deployment. The results obtained achieved a notable accuracy of 98.4%, while scoring an impressive 99.3% precision and 96.9% detection rate.

Speaker: Nadjib Ait Saadi

  • Bio: Dr. Nadjib Aitsaadi is a full professor at UVSQ Paris-Saclay University, where he leads the Next Generation Networks (NGN) Team in the DAVID Laboratory. Before his tenure at UVSQ Paris-Saclay, he held several positions: full professor of computer science at ESIEE Paris, part of Gustave Eiffel University (UGE); associate professor of computer science at the University of Paris-Est Creteil (UPEC); and research fellow at INRIA. 
    Dr. Aitsaadi earned his HDR (habilitation diploma) in computer science from University Paris Est (UPE) in 2016. He received both his Ph.D. and master’s degrees in computer science from Sorbonne University (UPMC/Paris 6), in 2010 and 2006, respectively. 
    His primary research focuses on the security and QoS/QoE optimization of networks in the RAN, Core, and Edge/Cloud segments. He addresses various challenges, including resource allocation and routing, V2X, D2D, supervision/observability, misbehavior detection, SIEM, NFV/SFC service chaining, among others. His significant research contributions are available at this link.

Title: LOCAL MOBILITY CHALLENGES AND RESPONSES PROVIDED BY THE 5G OPEN ROAD PROJECT: How do automated and connected mobility services studied as part of the 5G Open Road project match the needs of local authorities?

  • Abstract: Presentation of the results of a Cerema study dedicated to assess mobility challenges, analysis of the first results of automated mobility services, and identification of 5G Open Road services adapted for local contextes. This evaluation is based on interviews conducted with key players in mobility. The results highlight priority issues, success conditions and potential obstacles to deployments, as well as priority 5G Open Road services.

Speaker: Paul Peyret

  • Bio: Paul Peyret is 5G Open Road project manager within the Territoires et Ville technical department of Cerema. After his engineer degree, for 4 years, he was first able to experience the role of a mobility engineer within the engineerging office Lee Sormea on common road mobility topics, then worked fully during these years for VINCI Autoroutes and Leonard (innovation and prospective entity of the group) on connected and automated mobility topics. In 2022, he became a business engineer at Enfrasys, a company producing road systems and equipment for the VINCI Energies group. Since 2023, he has been project manager at Cerema for the 5G Open Road project, a project which studies the framework for a potential future scale-up in terms of deployment of connected and automated mobility and explores the potential benefits of 5G for these new forms of mobility.

Title: Overview of regulation for automated vehicle and infrastructure deployment

  • Abstract: In this talk we will review internal regulation for the deployment on automated vehicle and roadmap for evolution at a national level. In addition, the setup of connected infrastructure supporting connected and automated mobility needs to comply with legislation to ensure security and privacy.

Speaker 1: Pierre Merdrignac

  • Bio: Pierre Merdrignac received a Ph.D. degree in robotics from Mines ParisTech, working with Inria and VEDECOM on data fusion algorithm between on-board sensor observations and personal smartphone GPS location for pedestrian collision avoidance application. Since 2016, he has been a researcher with the VEDECOM Institute, contributing in collaborative R&D projects on V2X communication and participating in multiple experimentation of 5G network for connected and automated driving.

Speaker 2: Yoan Audegond

  • Bio: Yoan AUDEGOND is a connectivity engineer at UTAC since 3 years, he is involved in all testing, projects and regulatory groups focusing on connected mobility.


Organizing Committee - Organizers:
  • Yannick Le Moullec – TalTech, Estonia
  • Frederick Rang - TalTech, Estonia
  • Pierre Merdrignac - VEDECOM, France
  • Eulàlia Parés - CTTC, Spain   
  • David Pubill – CTTC, Spain
  • Hamzeh Khalili - CTTC, Spain
Scientific Committee:
  • Yannick Le Moullec – TalTech, Estonia
  • Pierre Merdrignac - VEDECOM, France
  • David Pubill – CTTC, Spain
  • Hamzeh Khalili - CTTC, Spain
  • Sarang Kahvazadeh - CTTC, Spain

Call for Extended Abstracts and Posters

The 2nd Summer School on 5G Connected Automated Mobility (CAM) across Europe, co-organized by the 5G-ROUTES project (EC co-funding) and 5GOpenRoad (BPI co-funding), will take place on June 20-21, 2024 at Telecom Paris (Palaiseau), Paris-Saclay campus (20 km south of Paris), France. 

This event is a great occasion for young researchers and undergrad students to get insights on the diverse challenges of 5G for CAM in cross-border scenarios (terrestrial and maritime) and 5G-empowered media applications and NetApps from senior researchers with academic or industrial backgrounds. 

In this context, we call for extended abstracts for Poster Sessions, intended for the presentation of initial or consolidated results of early-stage researchers (PhD students) and undergrad students (MSc students).  

The Poster Session will be held during the 1st day of Summer School in a 1.5-hour slot together with a networking coffee.

Extended Abstracts for Poster Sessions should be related to the following topics, although not limited to as long as they are related to challenges of 5G for CAM or 5G-empowered media applications and NetApps 

  • 5G technologies (positioning, QoS prediction, V2X, MEC, etc.) 
  • Security and Privacy 
  • AI/ML technologies 
  • Feedback from 5G prototyping and Field Operational Tests 
  • Cross-protocol, cross-technology, cross-operator, cross-stakeholders, and cross-border enablers 
  • AR/VR, tactile technologies 
  • HD-mapping and sensor technologies 
  • Methods and tools for scheduling, validation, verification, analytics, and QoS/QoE monitoring of 5G media applications 
  • Cross-domain orchestration of NetApps 
  • Use cases and results of lab trials and field trials 
  • Business Impact 
  • Regulatory issues 

Extended Abstracts should: 

  • follow the regular paper template, available in Word and LaTeX
  • be 1 page long, including figures and references; 
  • be submitted from the SUBMISSION SITE. 

Authors of accepted extended abstracts will be invited to prepare their posters (free form, but not larger than 80 cm (w) x 100 cm (l)) 

Extended Abstracts will be light-reviewed by the Summer School Scientific Committee 

Deadline: June 2nd 2024 June 10th

For any questions, feel free to contact us by email: info.phdschool@cttc.es

Extended Abstract (for poster) Submission Site

Only extended abstracts should be submitted to Easychair. Authors of extended abstracts that will be accepted will have to prepare and print their posters separately.

The submission and reviewer processes will be managed by easychair.org on this: EASYCHAIR LINK
If you have used this system before, you can use the same username and password. If this is your first time using EasyChair, you will need to register for an account by clicking the "I have no EasyChair account" button. Upon completion of registration, you will get a notification email from the system and you will be ready to submit your poster. You can upload and re-upload the poster to the system by the submission due date. In case of any problem, please contact for assistance by email info.phdschool@cttc.es

Registration and Contact

Registration in the 5G-X-EU Summer School is free of charge (excluding travel and accommodation).

However, for logistics purposes, participants must register by sending an email to: info.phdschool@cttc.es
In the email, kindly provide your first name, last name, level (Master's student, PhD student), and affiliation.
We will get back to you as soon as possible

Practical information


Paris-Saclay is a research-intensive and business cluster campus in the south of Paris. It comprises universities, grandes écoles, research facilities, and R&D centers of private companies. Telecom Paris, a French public institution for higher education (grande école) and engineering research, is located on the Paris-Saclay campus, in Palaiseau.

Télécom Paris is located 20 kilometers south of Paris.
Télécom Paris (Palaiseau)
19, place Marguerite Perey
CS 20031
F-91123 Palaiseau Cedex


Travel and accommodation are not included and must be arranged and paid for by the participants or their organizations.
If you want to stay not too far from Telecom Paris premises, we suggest you look for accommodation in e.g. central Massy via 
bookings.com, AirBnB, hotels chains websites, etc.


•    Information for getting here by public transportation, by car, and from Paris’ two main airports (Paris Charles de Gaulle and Paris Orly): https://www.telecom-paris.fr/en/campus/life/maps-directions
•    Information about public transportation in Paris area: https://www.ratp.fr/en
•    Ridesharing (e.g. Bolt, Uber) and taxis (e.g. G7) and are also available

Download "Practical Information" PDF