Tallinn University of Technology

Please make sure to plan your mobility according to the TalTech semester dates. 

20. augustthe first day to submit the autumn semester’s individual study plan
26. augustbeginning of the academic year
26.– 30. augustpre-week of the autumn semester
28.-29. augustOrientation Days for exchange students
30. augustopening ceremonies
2. septemberbeginning of the autumn semester
9. septemberdeadline for submission of the semester’s individual study plan and an application for academic leave at one’s own request
11. septemberdeadline for cancellation of students’ declarations for registration to a course by the lecturer
27. oktooberend of the study period (quarter)
21. detsemberend of the period of classroom sessions of the autumn semester
24. dets – 1. jaanChristmas holiday
14. jaanuarthe first day to submit the spring semester’s individual study plan
22. jaanuardeadline for taking the autumn semester’s examinations
26. jaanuarend of the autumn semester
27. jaan – 2. veebrinterim week
3. veebruarbeginning of the spring semester
10. veebruardeadline for submission of the spring semester’s individual study plan
12. veebruardeadline for cancellation of students’ declarations for registration to a course by the lecturer
30. märtsend of the study period (quarter)
25. maiend of the period of classroom sessions of the spring semester
11. juunideadline for taking the spring semester’s examinations
16. juuniend of the spring semester
30. juuniend of the academic year

20. augustthe first day to submit the autumn semester’s individual study plan
25. augustbeginning of the academic year
25.– 29. augustpre-week of the autumn semester
27.-28. augustOrientation Days for exchange students
29. augustopening ceremonies
1. septemberbeginning of the autumn semester
8. septemberdeadline for submission of the semester’s individual study plan and an application for academic leave at one’s own request
10. septemberdeadline for cancellation of students’ declarations for registration to a course by the lecturer
20. detsemberend of the period of classroom sessions of the autumn semester
24. dets – 1. janChristmas holiday
19. jaanuarthe first day to submit the spring semester’s individual study plan
21. jaanuardeadline for taking the autumn semester’s examinations
25. jaanuarend of the autumn semester
26. jaan – 1. veebrinterim week
2. veebruarbeginning of the spring semester
9. veebruardeadline for submission of the spring semester’s individual study plan
11. veebruardeadline for cancellation of students’ declarations for registration to a course by the lecturer
24. maiend of the period of classroom sessions of the spring semester
10. juunideadline for taking the spring semester’s examinations
15. juuniend of the spring semester
29. juuniend of the academic year