Tallinn University of Technology

Academic leave means a period for which a student is released from the obligation to undertake study and research work.

Note for temporary residence permit holders:

  • If you wish to take academic leave and not study meanwhile, your temporary residence permit for studying will be annulled.
  • If you wish to take academic leave and study meanwhile (declare subjects in the study information system ÕIS), please turn to your study consultant to discuss the possibilities. 

Academic leave is granted as follows:

  • at one's own request up to two semesters in any cycle of higher education during nominal time of studies. A student may apply for academic leave at his or her own request in any cycle of higher education during nominal time of studies from the second semester of study. Applications can be submitted until the deadline for academic movements in the semester set out in the academic calendar.

  • for health reasons up to four semesters (based on a medical certificate). A student shall be granted academic leave for health reasons at any time during a semester, as a rule, for one full semester until the last day of the lectures. If an academic leave is applied for due to health reasons, a student shall submit a medical certificate that contains a doctor’s recommendation for an academic leave. A medical certificate must be submitted also for interruption of academic leave applied for health reasons.

  • to care for a child until the child attains three years of age. A student shall be granted academic leave to care for a child at any time during a semester (based on the child's birth certificate).

You can submit an application for academic leave via the study information system ÕIS. Additional documents and an application for interruption of academic leave shall be submitted to the Dean's Office. The procedure for academic leave at TalTech is established in § 31 of the Academic Policies of Tallinn University of Technology.

Please note! A student who is on academic leave at his or her own request or for health reasons can declare courses in his or her individual study plan and participate in studies in the amount of 18 ECTS credit points. A person with a moderate, severe or profound disability, or the parent or guardian of a child under 3 years of age or a disabled child, or a student who is on academic leave due to military service or alternative service has the right to complete a study programme without any limits. [entry into force 01.08.2020]

Note for Estonian Health Insurance Fund health insurance holders: 

Health insurance (provided by the Health Insurance Fund) cover will be suspended for any period of academic leave, except when the student has taken the academic leave for health reasons or to care for a child until the child attains three years of age (one parent living in Estonia and raising a child under the age of 3 living in Estonia or a person who uses parental leave instead of the parent and who raises a child under the age of 3 in Estonia; read more). If the academic leave is taken during the standard period of study, the health insurance cover will be suspended for the period of leave and it will continue after the end of the academic leave. Read more!

What to do if you have problems or questions regarding health insurance? Check your health insurance coverage from the state portal eesti.ee or call the Health Insurance Fund’s customer service line (+372) 669 6630.