Arrival to Tallinn, TalTech
Welcome to Tallinn!
This information will be updated some weeks before the new semester begins.

Ticket information for tourists.
One way ticket can be purchased either from R-kiosk situated in the airport. Purchase a Public Transport Card from R-kiosk for the price of 2 € and load 30 euros on that card by giving money to the sales person and they will upload it on to the card. This first payment will allow you to ride for one month in Tallinn. After that, you would have to recharge it with another payment. You can use it until the end of your study period.

Validating your public transportation card
Validate your journey with the Public Transport Card immediately after entering the public transport vehicle. Validators are located by every door in all the vehicles. When a Public Transport Card is validated, the apparatus checks that the passenger has a valid ticket or the right to discounted travel. If the passenger does not have a ticket but has sufficient funds on their card, they are not permitted to travel – they must purchase a new ticket (QR ticket for example) or exit the vehicle.

Leaving from Tallinn airport you can use public transportation or take a taxi.
Here is a map, how to walk from the airport to the bus stop. Bus no 45 is connecting the university with the airport (only working days). The bus stop in front of the university is Tehnikaülikool.

Travelling to TalTech campus by public transportation
From the city center, near Kaubamaja and Viru shopping Centre area – take either trolley nr 3 or bus nr 36.
Trolley nr 3 from “Kaubamaja” stop (near the big shopping center called “Viru”/Kaubamaja ) or from Freedom Square and get off at “Keemia” stop that is just next to TalTech campus – you can see the TalTech main buildings, library and Academic hostel is ahead.
The trip takes about 20-25 min.
Bus nr 36 from “Viru” bus stop or Freedom Square to “Tehnikaülikool” stop that is just in front of TalTech main building.
The trip takes about 20-25 min.
You can find all the timetables from here!
You can also use the taxi which will deliver you from the airport directly to your living place. Taxies are available right at the airport and will charge you around 15-25 Euros. Tallinn is a quite small city, if it is not rush hour, you should arrive everywhere within 30 minutes.
Alternatively you can order taxi by phone which will arrive within 10 minutes and by doing so, the fee for the taxi will be slightly smaller.
More information about taxies in Tallinn you find from the official web site of Tallinn.
The Academic Hostel address on campus is Akadeemia tee 11/1, 12611 Tallinn. It is open 24/7. Please go there first, even you have got the place in Endla 4. Cost of one ride, from the airport to the Academic hostel should be between 15-20 euros, depends on which company taxi do you use and what time. There is a direct trolley line no 3, which commuting between Endla (Tõnismägi) and Akadeemia (Stop Keemia) buildings.