Control and monitoring of power system under the discontinuous stochasticity of electric vehicle demand (CDS)
CDS aims to facilitate collaboration for tackling the adverse impact of EV demand by developing advanced control strategies based on the available data from the monitoring system of distribution system.
Funding: Nordic Energy Research
Electric vehicle (EV) plays a key role in the green shift in transport. However, the spike in the EV demand poses new challenges to power system stable operation. Therefore, it is of great importance to develop control strategies to mitigate the adverse impact of EV demand. The modelling method for power system under the discontinuous stochasticity of EV demand was proposed at the Tallinn University of Technology, while the technology of distribution system monitoring was developed at the Technical University of Denmark.
This project aims to facilitate collaboration between these two institutions for tackling the adverse impact of EV demand by developing advanced control strategies based on the available data from the monitoring system of distribution system.
- Facilitate collaboration between the Center for Electric Power and Energy (CEE) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the Institute of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics (IEM) at the Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech).
- Develop advanced control strategies for tackling the discontinuous stochasticity of EV demand.
- Develop advanced data analytical methods for monitoring distribution system.
- The feasibility and scalability of the proposed method is demonstrated on well-known power system test cases