About the School
Organisation of Studies
Dean's Office is the first place students should contact when they have problems concerning their studies. Advising on studies; study Information System ÕIS; official transcripts of study results; confirmation letters on student status; study contracts, invoices and tuition fees; fulfilment and change of curriculum; calculating study load; making a study plan for the semester; academic leave; scholarships; recognition of prior learning, helps with other problems or find other advisors in case of problem.

The Student Council of the School of Engineering
The Student Council of the School of Engineering (INSÜK) was established in January 2017.
INSÜK is made up of active and motivated students of the School of Engineering who want to do something a little extra in addition to studying.
Our main task is to be the voice of engineering students inside and outside the university. We have made it our mission to make sure that the education provided at the faculty is diverse and of high quality. We work closely with both large and small professional companies and associations and organize educational and adventurous trips around Europe. Another big part is organising various major events like BuildIT, Brico, Soojakud ect.

Estonian Centre for Engineering Pedagogy
Estonian Centre for Engineering Pedagogy (ECEP) was founded in 2001 according to the Protocol of Good Will. ECEP at TalTech coordinates research and development in the field of engineering and technology education and implements the research results into the education of technical teachers in Estonia. ECEP is the only representative office of the International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP) in Estonia and in the Baltic region. Advisory Board of Education of Teachers and Professors at Tallinn University of Technology has been founded at TalTech in 2010.

We are proud to inform you about the greatest achievements and projects carried out in recent years in all the departments and colleges of the School of Engineering.

Engineering Academy at TalTech
The Engineering Academy is a collaborative initiative between the Estonian state, educational institutions, companies and professional associations to improve the quality of education in engineering, to secure the next generation of engineers and increase the popularity of the field. Read more:

About the School
The School of Engineering was made up of the former School of Civil Engineering, the School of Power Engineering, the School of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Chemical and Materials Technology, TUT Virumaa College and TUT Tartu College.
However, the history of engineering and technical education has lasted for a hundred years, since the university was established.

Did you ever have that feeling where you have this daunting challenge ahead and could not shake off the feeling that you’re worried about what’s to come next? You have practiced...