The work of our researchers and students has been recognised with several national and international awards.
National Research Awards 2018 Outstanding Discovery Award
In 2018, Outstanding Discovery Award at National Research Awards 2018 was awarded to prof Ahto Buldas for his research and development work on "Base technologies of the E-Society".
Estonian Research Council's Estonian Science Popularisation Awards 2022
In 2022, the CyberOlympics project led by Birgy Lorenz received the second prize at the Estonian Science Popularisation Awards competition of the Estonian Research Council in the category of activities that popularise science and technology.
E-course Qualiy Prize 2022
The Cybersecurity MSc course "Legal Aspects of Cyber Security" has received the e-course quality prize. The course is developed by Anna-Maria Osula from the TalTech CyberCentre and Agnes Kasper from TalTech Department of Law.
The Global Digital Governance Fellowship
In 2022, our Senior Researcher Anna-Maria Osula was awarded the 2022 Global Digital Governance Fellowship at Stanford University for Estonian Scholars.
Estonian Research Council's National Contest for University Students
In 2022, our graduate Ekaterina Zhuchko was recognised for her master's thesis "Formal Analysis of Non-Malleability for Commitment Schemes in EasyCrypt" at Estonian Research Council national contest for university students.
Supervisors: Denis Firsov and Sven Laur (University of Tartu)
In 2020, a special prize of the Foundation of Marine Culture of Captain Uno Laur was awarded to our graduate Karl Lubja for his master's thesis "Systematic Generation of Cyber Attack Scenarios Against a Ship" at Estonian Research Council national contest for university students.
Supervisor: Hayretdin Bahşi
In 2019, a letter of appreciation was awarded to our graduate Joanna Rose Del Mar for her master's thesis "Automated photo categorization for digital forensic analysis using a machine learning based classifier” at Estonian Research Council national contest for university students.
Supervisors: Hayretdin Bahşi (TalTech), Leo Mršić (Algebra University College) and Krešimir Hausknecht (INsig2)
In 2018, 3rd place was awarded to our graduate and Early Stage Researcher Alejandro Guerra Manzanares for his master's thesis "Application of full machine learning workflow for malware detection in Android on the basis of system calls and permissions” at Estonian Research Council national contest for university students.
Supervisors: Hayretdin Bahşi and Sven Nõmm
IT Innovation Festival
In 2021, our graduate Ali Ghasempour reached to the presentation round in the IT Innovation Festival. The title of his master's thesis: "HTTP based Network Intrusion Detection System by Using Machine Learning Classifer".
Supervisors: Risto Vaarandi and Alejandro Guerra Manzanares
In 2021, our graduate Jaanus Kääp reached to the presentation round in the IT Innovation Festival. The title of his thesis: "Hyper-V VMBUS based traffic interception and fuzzing".
Supervisor: Sille Laks
Tallinna University Alumni of the Century
In 2019, Dr Birgy Lorenz was among the recipients of Tallinn University "Alumni of the Century" award.
TalTech School of IT ICT thesis competition
In 2019, special price was awarded to our graduate Maarja Heinsoo for her master's thesis "Implications of Information Security Culture on Risk Management - Case of a Technology Company" at ICT thesis competition of the TalTech School of IT.
Supervisor: Hayretdin Bahşi
Interdisciplinary Cyber Research conference main prize for best abstract and presentation
In 2020, the main prize provided by Swedbank was awarded to our graduate and Early Stage Researcher Shaymaa M. Khalil for her abstract "Analysis of Windows 10 hybernation file".
In 2019, the main prize provided by NATO CCDCOE was awarded to our Project Manager Kieren Nicolas Lovell and Early Stage Researcher Dan Heering for their abstract "Exercise Neptune: Maritime cybersecurity training using navigational simulators".
Best Practices in Education Award 2018
CyberSpike was the runner-up at the Informatics Europe Best Practices in Education Award 2018 handed over at 14th European Computer Science Summit, in Gothenburg, Sweden, 8-10 October 2018.