Tallinn University of Technology

ICT thesis contest 2019

ICT thesis contest 2019 will take place on the 18th of June in TalTech Mektory

      June 18, agenda

The competition takes place for the seventh time, including all the School of IT specialities.

ICT thesis competition scholarship fund is 4300€. The scholarship fund is co-financed by Study IT in Estonia Programme. Each category winner is awarded with a scholarship of 500€ (exception is the BSc* level software category). The special prize is 200€ for BSc* and 300€ for MSc. In addition, Cybernetica-named scholarship worth of 500€, Swedbank-named scholarship worth of 500€, Scoro-named scholarship worth of 300€ and Eesti Energia-named scholarships worth of 200€ (Bachelor's studies) and 300€ (Master's studies) will be granted.

*BSc category also includes theses of applied higher education studies.

  • acknowledge thesis writers for their academic accomplishments;
  • introduce the process of thesis defence;
  • involve as many students as possible in the audience, to give them a possibility to gather inspiration for writing their own thesis;
  • introduce the themes and level of students’ theses to companies;
  • give good opportunities for companies and students to meet and discuss potential collaboration possibilities.

BSc software category
Charlie Chris Karniol Helisämplite klassifitseerimine konvolutsiooniliste närvivõrkudega, supervisor Senior Research Scientist Tanel Alumäe Best thesis
Marko Johani Belzetski Creating an Application Interprocess Communication Mechanisms Module for an Android Security Training, supervisor Elar Lang Best thesis
Jorma Rebane 3D kraana virtuaalse füüsikalise mudeli loomine Unreal Engine keskkonnas, supervisors Professor Eduard Petlenkov and Research Scientist Aleksei Tepljakov Special prize
Charlie Chris Karniol Helisämplite klassifitseerimine konvolutsiooniliste närvivõrkudega, supervisor Senior Research Scientist Tanel Alumäe AS Eesti Energia scholarship
BSc hardware and systems category
Kristjan Soodla Lühiajalise kestusega raadiosignaali suuna määramine pseudo-dopplerilise raadiopeilingaatoriga, supervisor Senior Lecturer Ivo Müürsepp Best thesis
Vjatšeslav Tšetšnev Short-Term Load Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network, supervisors Professor Eduard Petlenkov and Software Developer Margarita Spitšakova Special prize
MSc software category
Marjana Voronina Automated Camera Motion Control for Rhythmic Gymnastics Using Deep Learning, supervisor Associate Professor Kristina Vassiljeva Best thesis
Aleksei Netšunajev Sentence Writing Test for Parkinson’s Disease Modeling: Comparing Predictive Ability of Classifiers, supervisors Senior Research Scientist Sven Nõmm, Aaro Toomela, Kadri Medijainen Special prize
Gregor Johannson Technical Prerequisites for Enabling Third-Party Applications on the New Estonian ID-Card, Associate Professor Juhan-Peep Ernits AS Swedbank scholarship
Siim Kaspar Uustalu Automated Detection and Sentiment Analysis of Registered Entity Mentions in Estonian Language News Media, supervisors Senior Research Scientist Tanel Alumäe and Karl Märka OÜ Scoro Software scholarship
Gregor Johannson Technical Prerequisites for Enabling Third-Party Applications on the New Estonian ID-Card, Associate Professor Juhan-Peep Ernits AS Eesti Energia scholarship

MSc software category

  • Aleksei Netšunajev, Sentence Writing Test for Parkinson’s Disease Modeling: Comparing Predictive Ability of Classifiers, supervisors Senior Research Scientist Sven Nõmm, Aaro Toomela, Kadri Medijainen
  • Gregor Johannson, Technical Prerequisites for Enabling Third-Party Applications on the New Estonian ID-Card, Associate Professor Juhan-Peep Ernits
  • Kreet Solnask, Ärianalüüs ja äriprotsesside optimeerimine PRIA kohapealse kontrolli näitel, supervisor Lecturer Nadežda Furs-Nižnikova
  • Marjana Voronina, Automated Camera Motion Control for Rhythmic Gymnastics Using Deep Learning, supervisor Associate Professor Kristina Vassiljeva
  • Siim Kaspar Uustalu, Automated Detection and Sentiment Analysis of Registered Entity Mentions in Estonian Language News Media, supervisors Senior Research Scientist Tanel Alumäe and Karl Märka
  • Vladislav Zakharenkov, Multi-Objective Feature Selection for Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection by Means of Genetic Algorithms, supervisor Software Developer Margarita Spitšakova

MSc hardware and systems category

  • Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev, Automated Camera Motion Control System for Rhythmic Gymnastics, supervisors Researcher Siavoosh Payandeh Azad and Associate Professor Kristina Vassiljeva
  • René Pihlak, Efficiency Implications of Transient Fault Mitigation, supervisors professor Jaan Raik and Early Stage Researcher Karl Janson
  • Siim Pille, Radio Frequency Circuitry Design and Evaluation of UWB Based Indoor Positioning System KIO, supervisor Senior Research Scientist Alar Kuusik
  • Tanel Peet, Challenges in Implementing Artificial Neural Networks on Microcontrollers: an Arm Cortex-M Example, supervisor Early Stage Researcher Johannes Ehala
  • Tuuli Uudeberg, Elektroentsefalograafilise signaali spektraalse asümmeetria indeksi ja depressiooni korrelatsioon: eeluuring, supervisor Early Stage Researcher Laura Päeske and Professor Maie Bachmann
  • Yangpeng Miao, High Speed Hardware Image Filter System Based on SOC, supervisor Associate Professor Aleksander Sudnitšõn

MSc information society category

  • Jyotirmoy Patgiri, Leveraging Big Data Analytics in the Public Sector: Opportunities and Challenges, supervisor Professor Dirk Draheim
  • Lauri Antalainen, Äriprotsesside arendamine tootmisteenust pakkuvas ettevõttes: sobiva metoodika leidmine ja rakendamine, supervisor Associate Professor Innar Liiv
  • Maarja Heinsoo, Implications of Information Security Culture on Risk Management - Case of a Technology Company, supervisor Research Professor Hayretdin Bahsi
  • Rois Saputro, Analysis of Countries' Prerequisites to Adopt the X-Road Interoperability and Data Exchange Framework in the Public Sector, supervisors Associate Professor Ingrid Pappel and Heiko Vainsalu
  • Silvia Lips, Designing an Effective Long-Term Identity Management Strategy for a Mature E-State, supervisors Professor Dirk Draheim and Associate Professor Ingrid Pappel

BSc software category

  • Arne Riso and Dianne Aalde, Vabatahtlike päästjate alarmeerimisrakenduse analüüs ja prototüübi arendamine, supervisor Associate Professor Gunnar Piho
  • Charlie Chris Karniol, Helisämplite klassifitseerimine konvolutsiooniliste närvivõrkudega, supervisor Senior Research Scientist Tanel Alumäe
  • Imre Gretsi, Energy Load Disaggregation Approach Based on Heuristic Optimization Algorithms, supervisor Software Developer Margarita Spitšakova
  • Jorma Rebane, 3D kraana virtuaalse füüsikalise mudeli loomine Unreal Engine keskkonnas, supervisors Professor Eduard Petlenkov and Research Scientist Aleksei Tepljakov
  • Mariana Maidla, Credit Limit Products Software Improvement and Centralization in an International Financial Institution, supervisor Associate Professor Paul Leis
  • Marko Johani Belzetski, Creating an Application Interprocess Communication Mechanisms Module for an Android Security Training, supervisor Elar Lang
  • Rain Hallikas, Euroopa ja rahvusvahelistest XML formaadis standarditest Eesti standardite koostamise lahenduse väljatöötamine Eesti standardikeskusele, supervisor Associate Professor Gunnar Piho
  • Terje Russka, Parkimiskohtade hõivatuse tuvastamine läbi kaamerapildi, supervisor Early Stage Researcher Martin Rebane

BSc hardware and systems category

  • Andreas Nagel, Koordinaatide kaudu suunatav kontroller suundantenni pöörajale, supervisor Professor Toomas Ruuben
  • Henri Paves, Vabavaraline ringhääling haridusasutuste näitel, supervisor Lecturer Edmund Laugasson
  • Kristjan Soodla, Lühiajalise kestusega raadiosignaali suuna määramine pseudo-dopplerilise raadiopeilingaatoriga, supervisor Senior Lecturer Ivo Müürsepp
  • Maksim Gorkunov, Matlab-Based Drone Control System, supervisor Professor Eduard Petlenkov
  • Taavi Palo, Sünkroonne kahe kanaliga elektrilise bioimpedantsi mõõtesüsteem pulsilaine tuvastamiseks radiaalarterilt, supervisor Senior Research Scientist Andrei Krivošei
  • Tarmo Pajusaar, Andmehõive hajusas hääljuhtimisega süsteemis, supervisor Lecturer Arvo Toomsalu
  • Vahur Lepvalts, SD-WAN teenuse seadistamine ettevõtte näitel, supervisor Lecturer Marika Kulmar
  • Vjatšeslav Tšetšnev, Short-Term Load Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network, supervisors Professor Eduard Petlenkov and Software Developer Margarita Spitšakova

The period for submitting applications has ended!

  • May 21st - June 14th – period for submitting formal application and thesis*;
  • no later than June 17th - organizers announce who has qualified (or not qualified) to the final stage;
  • June 17th – submit defense speech slideshow digitally to iktkonkurss@taltech.ee;
  • June 18th – ICT thesis contest (final stage).
  • Documents (application and thesis) should be submitted via TalTech Development Fund’s web form (application can be submitted starting from May 21st).
  • The documents must be in pdf format and named as follows: “first name_last name_thesis/presentation”.

For further details see the terms of participation here!

* An application is deemed to be accepted if the thesis has received a recommendation to participate in the competition from the defense committee (see the terms of participation, clause 4); a personal deadline for submitting an application is notified by email.

In case of questions related to the competition please contact the organizers via email: iktkonkurss@taltech.ee


IKT lõputööde konkursi 2019 partners

The competition is organized by the TalTech School of Information Technologies with Information Technology Foundation for Education's Study IT in Estonia programme.