Tallinn University of Technology

IT Innovation Festival 2022

IT Innovation Festival is coming again! This year, we have focused on artificial intelligence and its trustworthiness and security.

There are already dozens of areas where AI applications are used today. For the most part, we do not realise that online stores, web engines, machine translation, smart homes or infrastructures, cars, or cybersecurity solutions use different applications. Artificial intelligence technologies are also making a significant difference to our lives and our economies in healthcare, transport, the military, manufacturing, public services or food and agriculture.

However, do we know what is going on "under the belly" of these applications, and are they trustworthy and secure? How to ensure that data fed to AI comes from reliable sources is free from prejudice and is not susceptible to manipulation? In addition, understanding the operation of artificial intelligence algorithms is an important issue.

Let us take a closer look and listen to these topics on June 15 at the Mektory Innovation Center and online at 13-16.30 PM! The moderator of the day is ERR journalist Anna Pihl.

NB! The Mektory venue hall is full and you can still participate virtually. Those arriving at the Innovation Center by car can park in the car park next to the Mektory. However, please use the opportunity to come by public transport, bicycle or on foot :).

The key-note speakers at the conference will be

  • Pawel Sobocinski, a professor at the Department of Software Science at TalTech
  • Jaan Tallinn, entrepreneur and AI expert
  • Kristjan Port, a professor of health behavior and sports biology at Tallinn University
  • Peter Warren Singer, a US political scientist and 21st century war expert.

Professor Tanel Tammet, entrepreneur Jaan TallinnOtt Velsberg, Head of State Data at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, and President Kersti Kaljulaid will participate in a panel discussion “What kind Artificial Intelligence we really deserve?"

With short videos, the researchers of the School of IT present their achievements in the field of AI. Presentations in Estonian will be translated into English with simultaneous translation and videos will be with subtitles.

Look at the broadcast on Youtube



Introduction by the moderator, Anna Pihl. Opening remarks by Gert Jervan, Dean of the School of IT.


Key-note speaker. What is a Trustworthy AI? Department of Software Science, Professor Pawel Sobocinski.


Robots sneak into hospital - hospital robot supports doctors in diagnosing Parkinson's disease. Sven Nõmm, Senior Researcher at the Department of Software Science, and Pille Taba, Professor of neurology at the University of Tartu.

13:30 How does artificial intelligence help a cyber defense specialist detect cyber attacks? Tanel Tammet, Professor at the Department of Software Science, and Baldur Kubo, Business Development Manager at Cybernetica.
13:35 Artificial intelligence in student project. Discussion with the School of IT students and the winners of the EuroTeq Collider in the "Energy" category, Mai-Liis Org and Sander Tsõbulski. How does AI help to develop the use of wind energy? Interview with Andri Busch, an IT student.
13:50 Key-note speaker. Why me? Kristjan Port, Professor of Health Behavior and Sports Biology, Tallinn University.
14:10 Artificial intelligence systems contribute to hardware reliability and self-health awareness. Maksim Jenihhin, Professor at Trustworthy and Efficient Computing Hardware (TECH).
14:15 What is going on in the "black box" of machine learning models and artificial intelligence? Yuri Belikov, Professor at the Department of Software Science and Eduard Petlenkov, Professor at the Department of Computer Systems.
14:20 Key-note speaker. Our Looming Robotic Dilemmas. Political scientist and and a specialist on 21st century warfare Peter W. Singer (USA). 
15:00 Ethics of Artificial Intelligence - for whom and why? Aive Pevkur, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Business Administration and Kadi Lubi, Researcher at the Department of Health Technologies and Programme Director (Digital Health).
15:05 Energy break.
15:20 Seeing is believing. Otto Mättas, AI expert at the Artificial Intelligence and Robotics hub AIRE.
15:30 Key-note speaker. We need to talk about the dangers of artificial intelligence. Interview with entrepreneur Jaan Tallinn.
15:50 Panel. Is this the kind of Artificial Intelligence we wanted? Tanel Tammet, Professor at the Department of Software Science, Ott Velsberg, Head of State Data at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, entrepreneur Jaan Tallinn and President Kersti Kaljulaid. 
16:30 Closing remarks and networking.

Register here

The hybrid event is for students, companies, university staff and researchers, teachers of general education schools and vocational training centers, as well as prospective students and parents.

The wider aim of the festival is to accelerate innovation by involving both public and private organizations and to collaborate on projects with a scientific content. Also provide students with practical and project-based learning tasks that add value to participating organizations and society.

Contact: innovatsioonifestival@taltech.ee

Financial support:

  • company-named scholarship or award (souvenir, etc.);
  • co-financing of the scholarship fund of the student project competition;
  • supporting the organization of the IT Innovation Festival.

The student project competition provides an excellent opportunity for direct contact with outstanding student project authors. In the context of student project competition, the company will receive the best public output through scholarship or award-based support.

The company's contribution can also be made to support the organization of the IT Innovation Festival, we are open to various forms of cooperation.

Supporters of the IT Innovation Festival will be mentioned in the communication supporting the event, both within the university and in marketing campaigns aimed at the general public.

Other forms of cooperation:

  • participation in the work of the evaluation committee of the student project competition;
  • event communication support;
  • public participation in both the student competition and the IT Innovation Festival.

We are open to various cooperation proposals in addition to the above. If you have any further questions or suggestions, please contact Kristiina Ranne, phone: 53305289, kristiina.ranne@taltech.ee.

Student project competition

The organizer of the student project competition, which takes place in the framework of the IT Innovation Festival, is TalTech School of Information Technologies in collaboration with TalTech Development Fund and ICT field entrepreneurs.

Apply for the student project competition

Results of the student project competition

BSc software

Best project Eerik Sven Puudist Andmeaida ja masinõppe mudelite loomine üliõpilaste rühmitamiseks ja akadeemilise suutlikkuse ennustamiseks, supervisors Ago Luberg and Innar Liiv
Special prize Andri Busch Improving Short -Term Power Markets Trading Strategy for Wind Power Producer, supervisors Marko Kääramees and Sven Nõmm
Eesti Energia special prize Rainer Randmaa Äriarhetüüpidel põhinevate metamudelite ja FHIR ressursside semantilise koostalitluse hindamine, supervisors Igor Bossenko and Gunnar Piho
Eesti Energia special prize Andri Busch Improving Short -Term Power Markets Trading Strategy for Wind Power Producer, supervisors Marko Kääramees and Sven Nõmm

MSc software

Best project Richard Õnnis Readiness of Estonia’s Digital Appointment System to Health Crisis: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic, supervisors Juri Belikov, Maksim Boiko and Maksim Zhukov
Special prize Ilja Samoilov Televisiooniprogrammide automaatsete transkriptsioonide teisendamine loetavateks subtiitriteks, supervisor Tanel Alumäe
Eesti Energia special prize Richard Õnnis Readiness of Estonia’s Digital Appointment System to Health Crisis: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic, supervisors Juri Belikov, Maksim Boiko and Maksim Zhukov
Swedbank special prize Ilja Samoilov Televisiooniprogrammide automaatsete transkriptsioonide teisendamine loetavateks subtiitriteks, supervisor Tanel Alumäe

BSc hardware and systems

Best project Morgan Puust Development of a Torque Vectoring System for FEST22 Formula Car, supervisor Eduard Petlenkov

MSc hardware and systems

Best project Sergei Jegorov Middleware Framework for Digital Twin Entities Communication, supervisors Anton Rassõlkin and Eduard Petlenkov
Special prize Molika Meas XAI-based Fault Detection and Diagnosis Method for Air Handling Units, supervisors Juri Belikov and Ahmet Köse

MSc information society

Best project Miia Mänd Kinnisvara halduse infosüsteemi analüüs ja kavandamine erihoolekande teenuseid pakkuva ettevõtte näitel, supervisor Alari Krist
Special prize Birgit Aasmäe Factors Influencing Participation In Shared Decision Making In The Oncological Setting, supervisor Kadi Lubi

BSc teamwork projects

Best project Tiia Sildam, Mario Veelaid, Andra Velve Meretuule kiiruse ja suuna leidmine Sentinel-1 satelliidipiltidelt, supervisors Sander Rikka and Martin Simon
Special prize Marti Kingisepp, Sander Kajak, Helen Ennok Masinnägemisega isesõitev võistlussõidurobot, supervisor Uljana Reinsalu

MSc teamwork projects

Best project Mai-Liis Org, Sander Tsõbulski, Tatsuki Ishikawa, Sanan Suleymanov, Prisca Adenike Adeoti Building Automation and Occupancy Prediction, supervisor Eduard Pelenkov

All students and student groups of TalTech School of Information Technologies who have defended their dissertation or completed a teamwork project during the 2021/2022 academic year, can take part of the contest. The project submitted to the competition must be publicly presentable.

Exceptionally, students of other Schools may also participate in the competition if their project is (co)supervised by an employee of the School of Information Technologies.

Theses compete in the following categories:
•    Bachelor’s level: software, hardware and systems;
•    Master’s level: software, hardware and systems, information society.

Competition categories for teamwork projects: bachelor’s level, master’s level.

Contest category descriptions for theses:

Description: Theses which focus on software. On the one hand, development, implementation or adaptation of software for a specific task, and on the other hand, software design, business process analysis or database design with a view to solve the problems set.
Keywords: databases, data mining, strategic analysis, management, development and protection of information systems, intelligent systems, software applications and the user interface, multimedia, software architecture, design and dynamics, software engineering, software processes and quality, security and privacy in a networked world, web services and web mining, the Internet of Things, big data, open data and linked data, e-governance, analysis and development of the enterprise information system’s architecture. The list is illustrative, not exhaustive!

Hardware and systems
Description: Theses which focus on design, analysis and use of electronic systems, computers and computer based systems, and their components. Systems may be either distributed or compact ones but focus should be on the implementation of hardware or system where (embedded) software can be one of the components.
Keywords: signal-processing, digital systems, digital electronics, analog electronics, hardware close programming, reconfigurable systems, verification and testing, control systems, process control, sensorics, artificial neural nets and their applications, electronic design, microelectronics, automation tools. The list is illustrative, not exhaustive!

Information society
Description: Theses which do not focus on developing a software or hardware based solution (or it is a small proportion of the thesis), but analyze the set problem from an organizational or a social- theoretical perspective.
Keywords: strategic analysis, management and development of information system, security of information systems, cyber security, digital expertise, encryption, security and privacy in a networked world, intelligent systems, e-governance and e-governance methodologies, enterprise information system’s architecture. The list is illustrative, not exhaustive!

The competition is held in two stages.

I stage, pre-stage:

  • The pre-evaluation committee will review the submitted student projects.
  • The committee will choose up to 35 student projects from the entries to advance to the final stage.
  • If the committee finds that the subject of the student project does not fit into the chosen category, the committee has the right to relocate it in the appropriate category.
  • If the student has qualified (or not qualified) to the next stage, he or she will be informed via e-mail no later than June 9th 2022.

II stage, final stage:

  • Will be held on 14th of June 2022.
  • Presentations to the evaluation committees will take place in MS Teams.
  • The presentation is up to 10 minutes long. The presentation gives an overview of the following aspects: the aim of the project, the reasoning behind the choice of the topic (actuality), incl. including usefulness for different target groups, results/conclusions/ suggestions of the work done, demo of the project created, if any.
  • The presentation will be followed by a 5-10-minute question and answer round from the committee and the audience.
  • The results will be announced at the IT Innovation Festival on 15 June 2022 and on the university website.

The pre-stage committee is composed of representatives of School of IT programmes. In the final stage, the committee consists of at least 5 members and in addition to university representatives, specialty experts from companies may also be included. Committee decisions are taken on the basis of a discussion. All decisions accepted by the committee cannot be appealed in neither of the stages.

The student papers submitted to the competition will be evaluated based on the following key points:

  • establishment and comprehensibility of the assignment(s),
  • technical realization of the solution, its accuracy and complexity,
  • originality, novelty, and usefulness for target groups,
  • presentation skills.

Composition of evaluating committees:

Software category
Gert Kanter, Lecturer at the Department of Software Science, chairman of the committee;
Rivo Lemmik, Columbus Eesti AS Business Solutions Architect, Lecturer at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering;
Jekaterina Tšukrejeva, Study Assistant at the Department of Software Science;
Aleksei Talisainen, Lecturer at the IT College;
Priit Matiisen, Scoro Software OÜ Senior Software Engineer;
Aivar Avalo, Eesti Energia AS Head of IT Strategy and Architecture;
Lehar Oha, Swedbank AS Principal Data Scientist.

Hardware and systems category
Eduard Petlenkov, Professor at the Department of Computer Systems, chairman of the committee;
Kristina Vassiljeva, Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Systems;
Paul Annus, Senior Research Scientist at the Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics;
Arno Kolk, CEO of the Estonian Electronics Industries Association;
Innokenti Sobolev, Reconext OÜ Software Manager R&D.

Information society category
Regina Erlenheim, Lecturer at the Department of Software Science, chairman of the committee;
Kaie Maennel, Researcher at the Department of Software Science;
Kristian Juha Ismo Kankainen, Early Stage Researcher at the Department of Health Technologies;
Maie Ristissaar, Head of Department at the IT and Development Centre at the Estonian Ministry of the Interior;
Kristjan-Hans Sillmann, Telia Eesti AS Agile Coach.

Teamwork projects category
Priit Ruberg, Researcher at the Department of Computer Systems, chairman of the committee;
Mairo Leier, Senior Researcher at the Department of Computer Systems;
Kristjan Pilt, Senior Researcher at the Department of Health Technologies;
Siim Talts, Scoro Software OÜ Senior Software Engineer;
Andrus Tamm, SEB Pank AS Head of Common Functions, Product Development and Technology.

A winner for each category will be chosen from the presented student projects in the final stage. In addition, the evaluating committee has a right to give out a special prize in each category. The committee also has a right to not give out the special prize with a valid justification.

  • Student project competition scholarship fund is 5600€.
  • Each category winner is awarded with a scholarship of 500€, the special prize is 300€.
  • In addition to the overall scholarship fund, there are additional company-named scholarships. In case of the additional scholarships from entrepreneurs, the decision is made by the funder of the scholarship or by their authorized representative. The company has a right to not give out the scholarship with a valid justification.

To apply, a formal application must be submitted with the required documents:
•    the dissertation or teamwork project report, giving a sufficiently detailed overview of the work(s) done;
•    a summary of the dissertation or teamwork project (up to 1 page);
•    documents must be in pdf format.

Apply for the student project competition

A recommendation to participate in the student project competition may also be given by the dissertation defence committee, the supervisor or another person related to the student project. In this case, the student or team of students will be notified of the proposal and the student or group of students will confirm their wish to participate by applying.

Important dates:

  • June 5th - deadline for submission of student projects (deadline extended);
  • No later than June 9th - organizers announce who has qualified (or not qualified) to the final stage;
  • June 14 - final round of the student project competition, presentations to the evaluation committees in MS Teams;
  • June 15 - IT Innovation Festival, announcement of the winners of the student project competition at the Innovation Centre Mektory.

Our sponsors are:

ITT Logode riba2

Program of the student project competition


Hardware and systems

Information Society

Teamwork projects

Watch the competition broadcast HERE Watch the competition broadcast HERE Watch the competition broadcast HERE Watch the competition broadcast HERE
Bachelor's studies
10:00 Eerik Sven Puudist, Andmeaida ja masinõppe mudelite loomine üliõpilaste rühmitamiseks ja akadeemilise suutlikkuse ennustamiseks, supervisors Ago Luberg and Innar Liiv 10:00 Morgan Puust, Development of a Torque Vectoring System for FEST22 Formula Car, supervisor Eduard Petlenkov     10:00 Marti Kingisepp, Sander Kajak, Helen Ennok, Masinnägemisega isesõitev võistlussõidurobot, supervisor Uljana Reinsalu
10:15 Rainer Randmaa, Äriarhetüüpidel põhinevate metamudelite ja FHIR ressursside semantilise koostalitluse hindamine, supervisors Igor Bossenko and Gunnar Piho 10:15 Veiko Rütter, Kiiplabori kaameramooduli edasiarendus, supervisors Kaiser Pärnamets and Ants Koel     10:15 Annabel Matkur, Lii Saluvere, Ettevõttesisese tarkvara täiendamine – kasutajaliidese ja andmebaasi kavandamine ning sobivuse hindamine, supervisor Erki Eessaar
10:30 Kärt Allik, Veebirakendus kursuse Kõrgem matemaatika toetamiseks, supervisor Kristiina Hakk 10:30 Paus     10:30 Tiia Sildam, Mario Veelaid, Andra Velve, Meretuule kiiruse ja suuna leidmine Sentinel-1 satelliidipiltidelt, supervisors Sander Rikka and Martin Simon
10:45 Kadri Jõgi, Vaimse tervise toetamise veebirakenduse IntroScope prototüüp, supervisor Kristiina Hakk         10:45 Markus Randma, Proovireisija ülesanne, supervisor Peeter Ellervee
11:00 Hugo Valk, Biomeetrilise isikutuvastuse abil noorukite Smart-ID registreerimisprotsessi loomine, supervisor Tarvo treier         11:00 Paus
11:15 Andri Busch, Improving Short -Term Power Markets Trading Strategy for Wind Power Producer, supervisors Marko Kääramees and Sven Nõmm            
11:30 Paus            
Master's studies
11:45 Ian Erik Varatalu, F# Type Provider and Compiler for the AL Programming Language, supervisor Juhan-Peep Ernits 10:45 Anton Yatskiv, Improvement of Electronics Cooling Fans’ ALT Testing Project, supervisors Gert Jervan and Sergey Kalashnikov 10:00 Liis Must, Mitme-astmelise ajateenistusse määramise protsessi analüüs ja parendamine, supervisor Heino Talvik 11:15 Mai-Liis Org, Sander Tsõbulski, Tatsuki Ishikawa, Sanan Suleymanov, Prisca Adenike Adeoti, Building Automation and Occupancy Prediction, supervisor Eduard Pelenkov
12:00 Richard Õnnis, Readiness of Estonia’s Digital Appointment System to Health Crisis: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic, supervisors Juri Belikov, Maksim Boiko and Maksim Zhukov 11:00 Sergei Jegorov, Middleware Framework for Digital Twin Entities Communication, supervisors Anton Rassõlkin and Eduard Petlenkov 10:15 Miia Mänd, Kinnisvara halduse infosüsteemi analüüs ja kavandamine erihoolekande teenuseid pakkuva ettevõtte näitel, supervisor Alari Krist 11:30 Elmo Egers, Juri Garanin, Kadri-Liis Kutser, Kristjan Pihus, Tark linnumaja, supervisor Mare Roosileht
12:15 Ilja Samoilov, Televisiooniprogrammide automaatsete transkriptsioonide teisendamine loetavateks subtiitriteks, supervisor Tanel Alumäe 11:15 Marietta Gavriljuk, EEG Alpha Band Instantaneous Frequency, supervisor Maie Bachmann 10:30 Birgit Aasmäe, Factors Influencing Participation In Shared Decision Making In The Oncological Setting, supervisor Kadi Lubi    
12:30 Vladimir Andrianov, MetaMex NFT Marketplace Platform Development on the Elrond Blockchain, supervisor Avar Pentel 11:30 Deniss Karai, Neeruasendusravi kvaliteedi optilise multikomponentsensori tehnoloogia arendus ning kliiniline valideerimine, supervisors Ivo Fridolin and Joosep Paats 10:45 Martín Paul Peñaherrera Maldonado, Tallinn as a City Powered by Collaboration: Co-designing a Platform to Improve Citizen-Municipality Interactions, supervisors Ingrid Pappel, Richard Dreyling III and Eric Blake Jackson    
12:45 Francisco Javier Ortín Cervera, Proof of Feedback: A novel Blockchain Protocol for Rewardding Valuable Feedback, supervisor Innar Liiv 11:45 Molika Meas, XAI-based Fault Detection and Diagnosis Method for Air Handling Units, supervisors Juri Belikov and Ahmet Köse 11:00 Anna-Liisa Reinson, Analysis and Design of an Insurance Claims Management System, supervisor Nadežda Furs    
13:00 Marieke Jahn, Forensic Data Acquisition Software Development Framework for Integrated Smart Home Ecosystems, supervisor Pavel Chikul 12:00 Sergei Pavlov, NB-IoT sidetehnoloogial põhineva maa-aluste jäätmemahutite jälgimissüsteemi välja töötamine, supervisor Alar Kuusik 11:15 Külli Pällo-Ojala, Transiitveo lõpetamise ärianalüüs ja iseteenindussüsteemi kavandamine, supervisor Nadežda Furs    
    12:15 Tomoya Tanaka, Development of Intrusion Detection/Prevention System Specifically Designed for ETSI ITS-G5-based V2X Communication, supervisor Olaf Manuel Maennel