Tallinn University of Technology


There are three options for applying for a student place:

  1. to change the study programme;

  2. to continue studies that have not been completed i.e. to apply for rematriculation;

  3. to apply for a student place, having previously been e.g. a continuing education student.

In order to change the study programme or apply for rematriculation, the following requirements must be met:

  1. the applicant must have acquired at least 30 ECTS credits in the courses of the study programme the student wishes to apply for (incl. accreditation of prior and experiential learning i.e. APEL);

  2. the applicant has enough nominal semesters left to be able to graduate within nominal time;

  3. the applicant has the right to continue studies for free (i.e. they have not already utilized the opportunity for free studies in any other curriculum).

In the case of first-time application for a student place, the following requirements must be met:

  1. the applicant must have acquired at least 30 ECTS credits in the courses of the study programme the student wishes to apply for (incl. accreditation of prior and experiential learning i.e. APEL);

  2. the applicant has previous required education;

  3. the applicant has not used used up right for free studies (in case of free studies).

Submitting an application

  • Only students actively involved in studies at TalTech can apply for changing the study programme. You can submit an application in the study information system ÕIS.

  • The students of the Open University can submit an application for a student place in the study information system ÕIS

  • A person who is not a TalTech student or a student of the Open University can submit an application on paper together with the supporting documents to the dean's office of the school.

  • Submitting the RPL application in ÕIS is also needed - read more

An application can be submitted before the beginning of each semester. The deadlines for the submission of applications for vacant student places have been set out in the academic calendar.

In order to secure a student place, a first or second level student shall, in the first semester of studies, declare and complete courses in his or her curriculum in the amount of at least 15 ECTS credit points. 

  • Business (TABB) - Courses which are suitable for Business study programme in the amount of at least 30 ECTS credit points have been completed, including courses belonging to (or compatible with the learning outcomes of) P1 or P2 modules in the amount of 24 credit points, whereas the grade point average (hereinafter GPA) is at least 3.0. The score of at least 55 points for the Estonian language state examination or at least 75 points in the Estonian language as a second language state examination is mandatory.
  • Applied Economics (TAAB) - The GPA of previous study results is at least 3.0 and the score of the Estonian language state examination is at least 55 points or the score of the Estonian as a second language state examination is at least 75 points.
  • Public Administration and Governance (HAAB) - The GPA of previous study results is at least 3.0 and the score of the Estonian language state examination is at least 55 points or the score of the Estonian as a second language state examination is at least 75 points.
  • Public Administration and Innovation (HAAM) - The GPA of previous study results is at least 4.0 and an interview with the programme director.
  • All other programmes of the School of Business and Governance - The GPA of previous study results is at least 3.0.

Additional condition for applying to a study place at the School of Information Technologies is a GPA of at least 3.0 in the courses required for matriculation.