Communication Systems (ComSys) research group at Tallinn University of Technology focuses on wireless communications–connectivity, mobile positioning, 5G/6G services and applications. Particularly, developing novel algorithms and methods for wireless communication technologies including industrial IoT, beyond 5G (B5G), 6G cellular networks to optimize reliability, data rates, energy consumption, latency, and enable high precision positioning. ComSys group has rich academic and industrial multinational experiences with several leading roles as PI/coordinator in multimillion Euros international projects funded by European Commission (Horizon Europe LATEST-5GS, 5G-TIMBER, H2020 5G-ROUTES, NATOSPS (G5482), Estonian Research Council (PRG424), Telia Industrial Grant etc. ComSys from its inception has been actively supervising Ph.D students. ComSys group is also a contributor in two standardization bodies (ETSI SmartBAN, IEEE-GeeenICT-EECH), including “Rapporteur” of work item: DTR/ SmartBAN-0014
We have competences in the following technologies:
- B5G/6G radio access networks (RAN) radio access/resource management, radio slicing, energy efficient radio communications
- Cellular (B5G/6G) mmWave-based precise positioning, UWB-based positioning.
- HF (Shortwave) communications, VHF and UHF Military communications, UHF / X-band communication (TUT satellite modules).
- NFC/HF, LoRa, 2.4GHz ISM, VHF, UHF military, UHF/X-band communication technologies.
- Electromagnetic compliance (EMC) and CE certification.
- Smart antennas (5G antenna, virtualized core networks and orchestration)
- We are experienced in developing PoC (testbeds and prototypes)
The research group consists of 17 people (5 PhD holders, 7 PhD students including 2 industrial students, 3 senior expert engineers), on average we produce about 10 high-quality research papers and 1 PhD thesis every year. We also have 5G test networks, equipment’s and tools as well as a range of skills including analytical and numerical modelling, exploiting data (from networks and devise) to develop AI-aided solutions. Our lab also has good laboratory settings for testing and characterizing the performance of those solutions and our staff has long experience in doing so.