Bachelor Studies
Teaching and supervision
Basics of analog and digital communications. Analog-to-digital conversion, quantization distortion. Foundations of information theory, source coding, channel coding. Baseband and passband signals. Nyquist criterion. Signal constellation, eye diagram. Channel types (AWGN), noise. Symbol error rate. Digital modulation techniques (ASK, PSK, FSK, QAM). Receiver synchronization: carrier phase and frequency estimation. Symbol synchronization.
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Computer systems project contains solving analysis or development task of computer / computer-based artificial systems (e.g., analysis of a computer, embedded or cyber-physical system; development of computer / computer-based artificial system; research in computer / computer-based artificial system fields) together with customer and/or team members.
Students will go through phases of system development: task analysis, decomposition into sub-tasks, system architecture selection; algorithm selection or develeopment; system programming; efficiency analysis of the created system in particular application and possible additional developments to complete the task, cooperation with customer and/or use of teamwork, project report writing (incl. software documentiation), project presentation and defense of selected solutions.
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Base equations of electromagnetic fields and their physical interpretation. Boundary conditions. Maxwell’s equations. Electromagnetic waves in homogenous environments. Waves in free space, reflection and refraction of waves. Waves in waveguides, antenna radiation process. Antenna matching, transmission lines and waveguides. Smith chart.
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The goals of Hardware Development and Programming and its role in society. Speciality’s specialization possibilities, courses being taught and interconnections between them in future studies. Potential employers of the graduates of the curriculum. The main approaches of creation of electronic systems and devices. Physical quantities, their units and unit systems. Measurement process and evaluation of accuracy.
Measurement equipment. Devices to measure electrical signals:
multimeters, oscilloscopes. Programming of Arduino based robot platform.
The basic team work skills, project based workflow and using repositories in software development. Skills for formatting and defending of reports and presentations.
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Main concepts of telecommunication, transmitting messages and signals. Telecommunication systems, classification and main elements. Models for describing communication systems (incl. Shannon-Weaver, ISO-OSI, ARPA model). Source coding, channel coding, modulator, physical communication channel. Signals and spectrums. Digital signals, transmission of digital signals in communication channel. Different transmission media and solutions provided on their basis. Resource distribution in a communication channel, compression methods. Stream and error management, addresses and management of address space. Structure of IP networks., main parameters and limitations of network nodes. Software-based core networks with high throughput. Mobile access networks: WCDMA, OFDMA, LTE. Wireless communication. Security and reliability of telecommunication networks. Economical limitations of communications services.
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