Master Studies
Teaching and supervision
Basic equations of electromagnetic waves. Waves in guided media, telegraph equations. Characteristics of transmission lines, impedance matching. Types of transmission lines and waveguides, dispersion in transmission lines. Dielectric transmission lines, fiber-optical lines - mono- and multimode fibers.
Types of antennas. Radiation process. Basic parameters of antennas and antenna measurements. Model of a propagation channel. Propagation in a free space. Propagation in an urban environment and in buildings. Tropospheric refraction and spreading. Refraction and reflection of waves in ionosphere. Satellite communications. Radio link. Propagation of microwaves and optical radiation in the troposphere. Effect of precipitation on propagation, fading, dispersion.
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Base equations of electromagnetic fields and their physical interpretation. Boundary conditions. Maxwell’s equations. Electromagnetic waves in homogenous environments. Waves in free space, reflection and refraction of waves. Waves in waveguides, antenna radiation process. Antenna matching, transmission lines and waveguides. Smith chart.
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Electromagnetic fields. Transmission lines and couplers. Matching. Matching methods. Scattering parameters. Antennas. RF amplifiers. Oscillators, Mixers, Detectors. Frequency synthesizers. Filters. RF transmitters. RF receivers.
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Telecommunication services: core and value-added services. Platforms and tools for service creation and development. Infrastructure for value-added services. Service components and protocols. User and terminal interfaces. Machine-to-machine communication. Application programming interfaces (API). Examples of operating systems for mobile terminals. Service and software development packages. Service life cycle and its management. Implementation of third-party services. Examples of services: location-based services, banking services.
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