Tallinn University of Technology

Living costs in Estonia are are considered to be lower than in most other old EU countries, at the same time the prices are not low as most of people may expect. General feedback from foreigners, who have spent some time here, is that living conditions are similar to those in Western or Northern Europe. Cost of living in Estonia is, usually dependent upon the student’s accommodation choices, lifestyle, and spending patterns. Estonia uses, the single European currency (EUR, €).

Tallinn University of Technology international exchange students can choose from on-campus to off-campus accommodation. On-campus accommodation is offered by Academic Hostel (Akadeemia tee 11/1). City location hostel is at Endla 4. Off-campus accommodation options are also offered by Academic Hostel. Private housing costs largely depend on the location and size of the flat. On average, the prices range from 500-750 EUR or more for an small private flat. During winter time the utilities might be additionally around 120-350 EUR per month. Energy prices have greatly increased the costs in 2022. info@academichostel.com

Students can usually enjoy a comfortable life with around 300 EUR per month for food. Each student can determine food expenses individually, depending on their needs. Tallinn University of Technology also has several cafeterias, what are open during study period.
Daily specials in cafeterias and cafes: 3,00-7,00 EUR

Public transport is free of charge in Tallinn for all EU students. You have to register yourself as Tallinn resident to have free public transportation and apply for Estonian ID-card. Not available for students who are coming to Estonia with visa .

Autumn Semester 2023 students spent in Tallinn per month (based on their feedback):

  • Accommodation:
    250-350 euros 47% of students
    350-500 euros 37% of students
    500-...euros 16% of students
  • Food:
    150-250 euros 61% of students
    250-400 euros 37% of students
    400 - ... 2% of students
  • Social life
    0-50 euros - 8% of students
    50-250 euros - 68% of students
    250 - ... euros - 24% of students